Night Watch

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An alternative of Caitlyn meeting Vi
If Vi didn't get captured.

Caitlyn's P.O.V
—Piltover's streets, 11pm—

I just got my position with the Enforcers. It's my first night watch ever. I was excited for it at first but now I know why only a few people volunteer for them. It's just so bloody boring.

I fought to keep my eyes open as I stood at my post. In the end my eyelids got so heavy that I decided to go for my usual stroll. It was then I heard something fall behind a nearby corner.

-"Hello? Is someone there?" I asked turning to the sound. No answer came and so I slowly started walking towards it. -"If someone's there identify yourself!" I said stopping at the corner. I only had my baton on me and so I got it ready and looked behind the corner.

And there at the end of the alley I saw two boys climbing over some fence. There was no doubt they were from the Undercity. They had a bag with them, probably full of stolen items. -"Hey! Stop right there!" I yelled and ran to them. They noticed me but continued on running. I climbed over the fence and looked around for the boys. Soon I saw them on a ledder that led to some roof. -"I order you to stop!" I yelled trying to catch up.

-"Go to hell Piltie!" One of the boys said and turned back. Just as I was about to climb the ledder he kicked it down. Damnit! I can't loose them! I looked around and saw that there's a drain pipe on the side of the building. Okay, I can do this.

I climbed the pipe as fast as I could. But when I got on the roof the boys were nowhere to be seen. Of course... I was ready to punch something at this point, even though I mostly keep my cool this really got on my nerves. But then I heard some yelling. I couldn't make out what they were saying but I knew it were those two boys.

I ran towards the voices and found them arguing with someone. A pink haired girl. -"You'd get in serious trouble if you got caught! You realize that?! Do you know how lucky you were to even get up here without being noticed?!" She raged at the boys. -"Stay where you are!" I finally stepped forward.

The boys wanted to run away again but with one gesture the girl stopped them. And so they stayed. -"Look, they'll just put this back where they found it. And we can forget this ever happened." She said. I furrowed my eyebrow. -"Turn around, hands on the wall! The lot of you!" I said, not reacting to her offer in the slightest. -"Yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you?" She replied with a mischievous grin.

-"I won't repeat myself!" I turned to the boys, pulling out my baton. -"What?! No!" -"Please! We'll put it back, just let us go!" The boys panicked. -"Too late for that! The Council will deal with you now." I walked to them. -"It would be wiser to let them go." The girl said, completely calm. I didn't mind her threat. I can't allow them to escape.....not on my first watch.

The boys then started to panic. One of them grabbed the bag and started running. While the other wanted to run aswell I managed to grab his arm. -"Sam!" The boy with the bag stopped and called out to his friend. -"Let go of me!" Sam tried getting his hand out of my grip. -"You need to answer for your crimes against Piltover!" I told him. -"Fuck you! You have plenty of stuff! Nobody would even notice it's gone!" They boy that held the bag yelled.

Suddenly I felt a fist on the side of my face. I fell to the ground but managed to not hit my head against the concrete. The pink haired girl was now standing between me and the boys. Without words she requested the bag from the boy. -"No! You can't take it! I-It could save both of our families!" He said. -"So you'd rather go to prison? How's that gonna help them?" She hissed back at him. The boy looked at his feet but after a few seconds he gave her the bag. Then the boys ran away and she turned to me.

She openned her mouth to speak but I immidietly tried kicking her legs. She stumbled back but didn't fall. Meanwhile I stood up. -"Wait!" She said. I didn't. I wanted to grab my baton but then I noticed it's on the ground, not far from me. -"You really wanna do this?" She asked. God how can someone be so....cocky?

Within a few seconds I rushed for the baton. I managed to grab it but as I was about to hit the girl she grabbed my wrist. -"You'd really use it on me? I'm offended." She said. -"You have a right to stay silent!" I replied and went for a kick. She dodged and used my moment of surprise to strike the baton out of my hand. It went flying off the roof and I could hear it clatter on the ground below.

-"Now, can we talk?" She asked, backing away again. I pulled out my handcuffs. -"I'm gonna take that as a no." She shook her head slightly. I went to punch her and she again dodged effortlessly. And even after a series of my attacks, she was still unharmed.

I took a few seconds to catch my breath. But she just stood infront of me, she didn't attack. I found it really hard to hold my hands in fighting position any longer and so I let them fall. -"Go on, take your time." She said with a teasing tone. Fuck....this!

I went for a surprise uppercut. I don't know how I managed to miss but I did. And before I knew it the girl pressed me to a wall next to us. I let out a grunt when she did. She was holding both of my hands above me. I tried to break free but she was too strong. I gave up and looked at her. She was just watching as I was struggling. Well, I gotta say, she's....good looking.

-"Who are you?" I asked. -"Don't I have the right to stay silent?" She smirked. Then her smirk faded and without warning she pressed her lips against mine and kissed me aggressively. I felt her tongue enter my mouth. Even though everything I was tought told me I shouldn't....I kissed her back. That is until my conciousness came back and I pushed her away.

I wanted to hit her again but I noticed that one of my wrist had a the handcuffs around it and the other half was around a pipe that was above me. -"Hey! Don't you dare run!" I told her strictly. -"Sorry Cupcake, we'll finish this another time." She smiled and without looking down jumped from the roof. -"Wait!" I yelled and tried getting my hand free. I managed to do that by slipping out of my glove.

As soon as I was free I ran to the edge of the roof. I saw the girl parkouring back to Undercity. I hit the small concrete wall I was leaning on. Damnit!

I left the handcuffs there as I didn't have the keys. The girl must've taken them. I climbed down from the roof to retrieve my baton. Then I slowly made my way to my house. I seemed more important to let my mother know about the attack then stay there. She'll notify the Council first thing in the morning, I hope.

I stopped when my hand met the door handle. I just can't stop thinking about what the boy said. They didn't steal because they wanted to, but because they needed to. They needed to because we're not doing anything to help them. It just makes me wonder. What else we'll make the people of Lanes do?

Hello and welcome to my oneshot book, Not Heroes!

This is a work of boredom and so if you have any ideas or requests (Smut included)  feel free to ask!

DM me or write it in the comments.

But anyway thanks for reading and don't be afraid to speak up!

Love, Nekdo <3

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