Chapter 2

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Today was Issac's first day of classes. He was nervous and felt like a lost child when he was trying to find his locker. I can't seem to find it... Locker 304...305..306! Issac found his locker and opened it, but it wasn't empty. Inside was different textbooks, and a diary. There was also a locket and some red stains. Who's stuff is this? Issac became curious, and was about to open the diary when Brian came up to him.

"Hey Issac! How's your first day been so far?" Issac quickly put the diary back and closed his locker, making sure that Brian hadn't seen what was inside.

"Isn't it too early to ask me that? I haven't even been to my first class." Brian nervously laughs, before remembering something.

"Oh! I just realized that since you're new, you probably don't know your way around here. Want some help?" Issac knew that Brian was probably the only help he'll get, and he didn't want to be stuck trying to find his classes. Issac agreed, and Brian led him to his first class. "I'll meet you back at your locker after class, to show you where your next class will be." Brian left Issac alone, and Issac went into his first class.

Then he saw him. The same guy that was on the roof. Grayson. Hoping that he wouldn't notice him, Issac quickly found a seat, across the classroom from Grayson who was in the front, and sat down. But he wasn't so fortunate. Grayson turned around and saw Issac sitting at the far back.

"Issac, right?" Issac nodded, but he had actually forgotten the name of the boy at the front. "I'm Grayson, the one from the rooftop." Issac didn't really care about the boys name. Issac grabbed his headphones to listen to music, but Grayson had moved to sit next to Issac. "Sooo, is this your first day here?"

Issac decided to ignore him. He already has to deal with Brian. And he didn't come here to make friends. Realizing that Issac probably wasn't going to pay attention to him, Grayson decided to just leave him alone. Students were taking their seats already, so class was going to start anyways.

Grayson had fallen asleep in class, and woke up to the bell ringing. He turned to look at Issac, who had already left. Grayson quickly got up and left the classroom, looking for Grayson in the hallways. He catches Issac turning a corner, and begins to run down the hallway.

"Excuse me! Coming through!" He tried to make sure not to bump into anyone. And when he turned the corner where he last saw Issac, he didn't see him anymore. Then he heard two people talking.

"Alright, this is where your next classroom is! Chemistry is my favorite, so I'm sure you'll like it too."

"A guy like you enjoys chemistry? I thought it would be PE or something..."

"Chemistry is cool! I feel like a wizard, mixing potions and stuff!" Of course, Brian is really childish.

Grayson saw that Issac was with someone else.  The person who he was with was someone he recognized, but it wasn't someone he got to know. Grayson wasn't really close with anyone, but he still knew practically everyone's names.

Brian begins to walk away from Issac, and Grayson panicked a bit but thought of something. He pretended that he was heading to chemistry too to get past Brian. Then, he goes up to Issac. "Do you have something against me—" but Issac ignores him and walks into class.

Why does he keep trying to talk to me? I have no business with him. Issac was annoyed at Grayson, who kept bothering him throughout the day. He would walk up to Issac any chance he got, and Issac was about to go insane from this. As Issac was walking back to his dorm, Grayson followed him. Again.

"Look, what do you want? You keep following me around like a lost puppy." Yeah, a dog. He reminds me of a dog.

"I only want to become friends. You're not like everyone else here." Issac stopped walking, and looked back at Grayson. He was confused. Grayson didn't even know him well enough to say that.

"What are you talking about? You don't know anything about me except my name." But Grayson pulls out a book. The book just looked like every other cook book. "What's this?"

"This school is hiding something. And you and I are the only ones that aren't infected—"

"Infected? Have you gone insane? This isn't some zombie apocalypse." Grayson looked around, and he knew that he couldn't talk to Issac in public. He took Issac's hand and began dragging him somewhere. "Hey, let go of me!"

They got to an alleyway, and Issac was clearly upset. "Please, just listen to me. You might be the last hope for everyone at this school."

"What are you talking about?"

"Will you let me explain?" Issac took a moment to think. Grayson had a look on his face, that showed he was serious.

"Alright, fine. Just don't take too long." Grayson opens the book, to show a list of recipes. Recipes such as soups, cookies, cakes, lasagna, pasta, and much more. "This just looks like a normal cookbook to me."

"Yeah, that's what I thought too. But then, when you turn to the last page..." Grayson flips through the book before he gets to final page. "'s not a normal recipe." Issac took a closer look, and saw that it was a recipe to make a pill, possibly a drug.

"Why would you need that? And what does it do?"

"I stole this. The school gives these pills to students when they go to the nurse. But for some reason, at the beginning of the year, almost everyone needed to go to the nurse. Everyone except me. They all had a stomach ache, and I don't know from what. And since you're new, I wanted to keep you from taking these pills too."

"But I don't get it. What do the pills do?"

"I'm not so sure myself. Everyone here seems to act just fine. But maybe we can figure it out together. I was hoping you'd like to work with me."

"Huh? Why me? And help how exactly?"

"I want you to help me figure out what this school is hiding. Since you haven't taken the pill yet, you're the only one I can trust. And it's not like anyone else would listen to me."

"Why not? I'm sure if you've been here since the beginning, some people would listen to you."

"... don't worry about it. Just please, work alongside me. As my companion." Grayson puts his hand out, and Issac sighs. He shakes Grayson's hand.

"Fine. I'll work with you, partner."

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