Repercussions hansel pov

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"What happened?! Why were you fighting him?!" Exclaims shigaraki as he Carry's my sister off. "He attacked me! Your stupid ass can get the footage you'll see!" Why's this asshole have the audacity to yell at me?! I'm the one whos whole reputation just went down the fucking drain. I see figures in front of me and realize I've been brought to their damn base. I feel someone out a hand on my arm and I jerk away, "get your fucking hands off of me" "nice to see you too Han" touya?! I whip around to see touya pulling a mask off. "S-sorry touya" I feel tears come to my eyes.

"Nice to see you can hold your own in a fight these days" he says ruffling my hair, I hear a cough and turn to see shigaraki setting gretel on a table speaking to someone. "There isn't much that I can do, I can hear her but it's gonna scar" "YOU THINK I CARE ABOUT SCARS! FIX HER!" I've never seen anyone so stressed. I look down at my sister struggling to stay alive on the table. Her eyes are closed right. She's missing hair from the fire and what she has left is singed and uneven.

"Whyd my dad attack you?" I hear touya ask and I shrug. "Problibly cause I've been visiting your grave more often, he found me when you left me asleep beside it and chased me off. After we thought you died he kinda blamed me" I cross my arms but cringe uncrossing them. My arms were covered in 2nd degree burns. "Poor dear" the woman who's supposed to be healing my sister walks toward me and dabi steps between me and her. "Save the girl first, her dying isn't gonna make shigaraki like you. Your more likely to get dusted if she does" the girls face gets all angry and she begins healing my sister.

I feel dabi step back behind me, "guess you won't be going home a while, you can sleep in my room." He mumbles and I feel my eyes widen, "thanks" I mumble. I hear another cough then a quiet sob. My sister shoots up not standing but about to. "Don't get up honey your still hurt" shigaraki hurries over putting his hands on hers. "She's healed just gonna be sore for a few days, and ugly the rest of her life" the girl snickers, in seconds I see shigaraki take his glove off pressing his hand to the side of the girls face turning her to dust.

He...killed her? With no second thoughts just for saying something mean about gretel? I decide right in this moment, I like shigaraki more than I did before, he's a good guy.

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