-{CHAPTER 1: Prologue}-

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Hello People so uh. I'm finally back! Surprising right? Nah but back to the point. I've been thinking about for awhile and finally after 2 years Chapter one is finally out! So enjoy the first Chapter
(after 2 years of lack of motivation...)
Wind howling while the rain downpours with all it's might no one dares to go outside in this weather but. Although we see a figure running through this stormy night running wherever the streets take him.
==============POV: ???==============
*Huff...puff..* out of breath I kept running regardless even if my lungs felt like they were burning I kept running because now. All that matters to me is that I finally escaped that abusive hag! Now you may be wondering why I'm in this situation huh? Well since I'm this desperate to talk to someone...

Retracing my thoughts I began to remember what previously happened a few hours ago before all this happened.


Packing my things I hurriedly grab my backpack
Before going to the window but before I could get closer I heard a loud banging noise coming from my door.

'Sh*t' was the only thing I could think of before hearing loud violent banging coming from my door. 'Damn it I wasn't fast enough..'

before thinking I could think any further I heard a angry voice coming from the other side of the door.
"Damn it! Did you f*cling lock the door again you brat!?" I felt myself tense up but I immediately shake my head reminding myself to
stay calm and remember what the plan was again.

Walking over to the window opening it. I felt wind hit my face. Feeling the cold nice air but I had no time for that no.

Hurriedly I scramble out the window and awkwardly stumble out of the window with a loud "OOF!" Quickly I stand up. Looking at the window I just used to escape from and I felt.. somewhat

Before pondering any further I heard a loud bang coming from the door and I knew what exactly would come next from it after.

"When I get in there you'll be wishing you were never born you got that!?" Cursing my luck I stumble a bit but eventually managed to run out into the yard. But something inside me felt a odd sensation that hadn't been felt for in a long time.

Freedom and the fact I'm finally free from that abusive hag! Suddenly giggling to myself like a schoolgirl I began to run into the starry night sky running where the night takes me.


End of Flashback

*HUFF..PUFF...* 'I'm so out of breath..'
I thought to myself before collapsing onto the hard floor. Gasping for air was the only thing going for me
Since running a MARATHON was apparently a good idea for me!

"Go-goddamni-it.." was all I could think because of my stupid decision. But before I could think any further about it. I heard a loud noise coming from the other side of me.


A blinding light was suddenly coming towards me. Panicking I tried to pick myself up but couldn't due to my lack of stamina from all that running.
With nothing else to do but watch as the light inches closer to my fate. All I could think of was one thing and one thing only now.

F*ck my luck.

And then I felt a massive pain coming from my body that every fiber of my being felt like it was aching in pain but shortly afterwards my vision started going blurry ultimately making me blackout only feeling the harsh downpour of rain on my dying body.

Oh how wrong I was apparently God had other plans in store for me.

Well what'd ya think of that Chapter? Tell me your thoughts about so I can make these Chapters erm.. better? Well that's about it so end of Chapter good day people!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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