Frozen Blood

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Aizawa had gotten the day off today, given to him by Nezu and the Hero Commission. It was a miracle considering the state of a rise in villain attacks on heroes lately. Still, he'd slept in, cleaned up the house for you, and taken the time to take your cats, Mochi and Cirrus, to the groomer so their fur wasn't being inhaled just about everywhere. It hadn't helped that it was the middle of winter and the day moved by so slowly on these cold-to-the-bone days.

He looked at the time. 3:24 A.M.

That was...incredibly late even for you. You both met on the job, being being underground heroes. You two had similar schedules so you could rarely ever stand to be awake at this time of night.

So for you to be out this late on the job, in the freezing cold with heavy snow blocking out just about any vision from more than five feet in front of you was not only suspicious, but worrisome.


Today had been such an AWFUL day. You couldn't count the amount of villains you ran into that single-handedly beat the shit out of you, civilians, and the other heroes on call with you. You would have probably been home sooner if it hadn't been for a painful and jagged deep cut across your abdomen. The walk home in the chittering cold made it so slow and painful as your entire body stiffened. You had to get home tonight to try and finish some unfinished paperwork as well as come take care of your loving boyfriend, Shouta, who had been having it pretty rough himself the past month. It didn't matter how much you'd worked or how many days you've stayed up in a row. He needed to feel appreciated. Plus the cats and-

Barely realizing you'd finally reached your destination, your hand pressed against the frozen handle, slipping a little at the heavy falling ice and snow. The door opened in one foul swoop and the world went black.


Aizawa had put on the news to see if such a thing would ease his nerves. A few villain sightings and one incident with you they'd managed to capture, though you looked just as badass as you always did afterwards. He eased a bit, letting Mochi cuddle up to him on the amazingly warm heated blanket placed on the sofa, though snapped out of the sleepy thoughts when Cirrus was pacing at the door meowing like a madman. He stared intensely as he paced, just before he stopped and ran off to another room.

Another yawn was cut off by the abrupt opening on the door, frozen harsh winds pressing up into the apartment, and a loud thud following a dark silhouette of you.

Immediately Shouta stood up and ran over to the pile of dark clothes from your hero uniform, limp on the floor.

"Y/N! Hey, look at me." He demanded in a panicked rush.

When no response came, he checked your pulse. A slowed, yet faint breath, slowly moving your chest up and down.

Shouta stood over your limp body before picking you up, resting your body on his hip and shoulder, closing the door to not let any more cold air raise the electric bill, and set you down on the sofa after taking the blanket off and placing it over you.

Your unconscious body was shivering, yet burning all at once. He moved your hair out of your face and looked down at you.

You looked incredibly flushed, exhausted, and had eyebags for your eyebags. His dark eyes scattered over your face, deciding to check In the small bag patch located on your waist belt.

Yes! It was good you still had the flashlight. Taking a deep breath, he turned on the flashlight and checked for any eye dilation. They were going between dilated and constricted. Checking to see what to do next, he felt over you to see if your body reacted any to any sensitive or injured areas. When he reached your abdomen, your body winced away from the touch, unconsciously making a pained moan. He'd barely pressed down so he lifted your shirt to see a horrible cut causing you to bleed out.

In a moment of panic, he quickly pressed his hand on the area to stop bleeding and looked through your waist belt to find a simple red button on a grey box. It was an easy alert to 911 where a Hero's position was. He was ill-equipped to deal with this kind of blood or injury and his phone was across the apartment.

As soon as an ambulance arrived, the cats surrounded the paramedics while he followed, hoping you'd be alright.

The paramedics helped get your body safely into the ambulance with the help of a stretcher.


You woke up to the sound of a heart monitor and a snoring Shouta next to you. Hoping to become more comfortable, you move to sit up. Doing so makes you wince, biting your tongue regrettably as he wakes up.

"Hey, don't move, I'm right here. You've got nowhere to be, kitten." He says in a soft voice, the deepness of his soft voice giving you butterflies.

"Shouta? Why are we here?" You ask with a slight sore throat.

"You've overworked yourself and you were bleeding out. They're releasing you soon. Just waiting for them to fill some antibiotics and medication." He says simply, kissing your still burning forehead.

You hummed at the kiss and explanation, glancing to see a bandage over your hand.

"Iv?" You mumbled, wondering what other reason there was for a stab to your own hand.

"Yeah. You got really dehydrated." He yawns while looking into your eyes.

"What time is it?" You yawn back, sounding a little like a cat as you do so. It puts a small smirk on his face.

"Just 8 A.M. You've been asleep for a few days though."

Your heart stopped. You couldn't take time off! You had people who deeply depended on you and your quirk. You couldn't just stay-

A warm hand pressed against your cheek, cupping it in a comforting way that couldn't help but cause you to blush.

"First of all, I've got people to cover you. Second, you got so overworked that you hadn't slept in who knows how long. Third, you've been injured. Even if you hadn't overworked yourself, I would NEVER let you go out and work while you're wounded." He tells you, lecturing you just as he seemed to do with some of his students.

You couldn't really compete with that so you went quiet, the sound of the crowding hospital aroma surrounding your senses.

Why did he have to be right?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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