Your a piece of shit Harrington

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I stand by the door using my water abilities to pull the water from my hair and clothes, when I finished I look at the ground and sigh making it evaporate into the air. "Sister." Says a voice next me me and I turn my head with a chuckle. "No sweetie I'm not your sister." The girl I found looks sad and angry at this and says, "Powers." And it clicks for me. 

"Ah I understand, you have powers as well."

She nods and shows me her wrist, there a tattoo that says 011. Ah this hits a bit close to home, I may not have some weird tattoo but my mother says I got my powers from her being drugged and that I'm lucky that she wasn't pregnant until much later. I shake my head at the thought. 

"I assuming that's your name." She nods and I smile, I like this girl already. "Do you have a mom?" Eleven shakes her head no, "A dad?" Eleven freezes. "Papa is a bad man." She says after a minute and my heart breaks a little for her. "Well then you don't want a papa like that, since you don't have a mama, what if I became yours?" Eleven smiles a bit and nods, "Mama." I nod, "Mama."

Me and Eleven walk over to the boys, "Mike, Lucas, Dustin, I hope you realize she has to stay here."

"What?! Why?!" Lucas shouts looking angry and confused, Mike has a smirk on his face, and Dustin looks completely confused. "Because if we take her up to Mrs. Wheeler now she'll know we snuck out and she call out parents.." "And out houses become Alcatraz. " Dustin say's finishing my sentence, I nod, and Mike further explains, "Which means no more looking for Will." Lucas exasperatedly throws his in the air and runs them down his face muttering curses.  And with that we all agree to leave her at Mike's house, before I leave I turn to El and say, "I'll see you soon, okay? I promise to visit everyday." 

"Promise?" She asks with a confused tone. I feel a pang in my heart realizing that this girl must have gone through a lot if she doesn't even know what promise means. "It means something you can never break. Something you have to keep." Mike replies and I can already tell Mike has a crush on El and for some reason, the two seem to have a really close connection. Its funny how these things work, they may be soulmates for all I know. I walk out of the house and start to head home.


I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring turn it off and start getting ready for the day. After getting ready I throw one a simple outfit.

(Pretend the shows are some sort of tennis shoes not flats)

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(Pretend the shows are some sort of tennis shoes not flats)

I decide against makeup today but pack mascara in my bag just in case I need it. Grabbing my bad I walk out of my room and into the living room and see some woman in the kitchen area of the camper and I'm instantly pissed. Seriously dad? There's a kid missing, no less my friend, and you have some skank over for sex? Really? I think to myself. When the woman finally see's me she squeaks an embarrassed "Morning" followed by me rolling my eyes. As if on que she apologizes for me having to see her like this which is, messy hair in my fathers shirt and very skimpy underwear, and for some reason it pisses me off more. "Alright lady listen, I already know your not sticking around, and I know you don't want this to get out more than likely you've got a husband at home. So here's what's gonna happen, I have a killer headache and I'm gonna be late to school and I still need a coffee and quite honestly a cigarette; so we're gonna compromise. You have a full cup of coffee and a brand new pack of camels in your purse that I'm betting you bought before coming over here, you're gonna give me the coffee and the pack of camels and I won't tell anyone I saw you, my dad doesn't even have to know about this interaction. We got a deal?" She nods already moving to get the pack of camels. 

"Splendid." I say grabbing the coffee and cigs from her. "Nice meeting you lady, thanks for the cigs." I say as I grab my keys and leave. I hop in the car searching for a lighter after downing my coffee, in all reality I have time I just wanted to freak that lady out. After a few minutes of searching I really have to leave so I give up and decide to just use my powers. My eyes turn orange and the tips of my hair do the same as I light a flame on one single finger tip.

 My eyes turn orange and the tips of my hair do the same as I light a flame on one single finger tip

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(The pictures above are a reference of what it looks like

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(The pictures above are a reference of what it looks like.)

I light the cigarette and deactivate my powers and start driving to school smoking.


When I get to school I stamp out what little is left of the cigarette and walk into school. I immediately see Nancy and Barb with Steve, Tommy, and Carol and mentally eye roll at the last two. I walk over and join the conversation when Steve says "Whoa look at the freak." I look over and see Jonathan hanging up missing pictures for Will and feel a pang in my heart. Then the group starts making fun of him and I can't fucking contain it anymore. "Will you shut the fuck up?" I say pissed and making it obvious. "Jesus Y/n, chill its not like its your problem and we're just having fun. Plus you can't honestly believe they'll find the little-" Steve gets cut off by a smack to the face. "You shut the fuck up before I actually hit you. It is my problem I love Will he's a sweet kid, my dad is the sheriff, and Johnathan is my friend. So, yes its my problem and yes I believe they'll find him because if they don't I will." I say and walk away to help Johnathan as I see he's struggling but Nancy seemed to beat me to it while I was yelling at Steve. I smile, reminded of how lucky I am for her and how brave she is for doing that even though her "not boyfriend" was watching. I send her a look thanking her and she sends me one that says no problem, before she leaves I whisper "I'm not sorry for hitting Steve but I am sorry because I know it upset you. I'll come over for dinner to make it up to you." She smiles at me, nods, and then walks away After Nancy and the group leave I turn to Johnathan. "You didn't have to." He whispers and I scoff in reply. "Sure I didn't, that's like saying you aren't gonna go see the bio dad to see if Will is with him." He looks at me shocked and I shrug, "We're best friends dumb fuck of course I was gonna figure it out. I heard your fight with my dad. Let me come with." 

"Y/n-" Johnathan starts but I cut him off. "Listen your gonna need the support and I really don't care about school you know that. If you really don't want me too I won't but I think it would be whats best considering your seeing Lonnie for the first time in a long time. Please let me come." He nods his head and walks away and I speed walk out of school to catch up with him.


A/n: I'M BACK BITCHES. Just kidding love you guys. But for real I am back, the next chapter will be out tomorrow or the next day. The next chapter we get to see how Y/n is gonna react to Lonnie, how do you think them meetings gonna go? Until next chapter loves! Don't forget to drink water today! I'm proud of you!

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.  Book one (stranger things x reader)Where stories live. Discover now