Thorn Uchigasaki

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Name: Thorn Uchigasaki

Name meaning: Prickle

Birthday: September 30th

Age: 19

Star sign: Libra

Species: Human

Breathing Style or Blood Demon Art: none

Best Friend: Mitsuri

Love Interest: Akaza but later in Giyuu

Personality: She tends to be a very giving person, she tends to be very kind towards people even when they're rude and disrespectful towards her. But she often tends to be clueless on what's happening in the situtation and she tends to be very optimistic even in bad situations. But if anyone she cares about is injured or insulted by someone, she will not hesitate to throw hands.

Likes- flowers, plants, the sun
Dislikes- bugs, getting sick


Art commissioned by: al

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Art commissioned by: al.vin05


Allies: Akaza, most people

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Allies: Akaza, most people

Enemies: Demons, the bugs that eat her flowers

Demons Slayed or humans eaten: 23

Blades Broken: none

Type: Katana
Color: Pink
Weight: 3 lbs
Swordsmith: Kozo Kanamori
Unique property: Her sword tends to work better when she praises it

Sword stats (if one):
Speed: 3.5/5
Battle adaptability: 3/5
Durability: 2/5
Defense: 4/5
Power: 3.4/5

Breathing style: Breath of Spring

Breathing forms: works in progress...

Encounters with Lower Moons: none

Encounters with Upper Moons: Many with Akaza, none with the others

Encounters with Muzan: None

"Kindess is like snow... It beautifies everything it covers.."
"What good is the warmth of summer without the chill of winter?"
"Hey! Did you know the earth laughs in flowers!?"
"The rose speaks of love silently.... In a language only known to the heart.."
"A flower has no time to waste... Her soul stems from self love.."
"My mother used to say... There is no proper rose without her thorns..."

Voice claim:

Theme song:

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