How To Create An Impression On Recruiters Using The Basic Resume Template?

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A good resume is what decides your first impression in front of the recruiter. If you get your resume right, you are sorted for shortlisting. Today we have here for you an easy guide following which you can create a basic resume template for yourself that you can use for a lifetime.

Get your layout sorted first

One mistake that a lot of us make is cluttering our resume with a lot of information, filling in random details, not indenting, etc. Basically, creating a mess on our resume that actually repels the recruiter from reading it. Keep these points in mind while settling in for your layout.

Keep it one page long: Recruiters don't have the time to read a book on you as they get 100s of resumes every week. Keep it short and precise. Stick to a one-page resume unless you think that the extra information is adding value to your profile.

Keep sections and headings clear

Have white spaces, and keep margins: This makes the resume look neat and breathable. No one likes reading a page filled with words.

Use easy-to-read fonts like Roboto, Georgia, and Helvetica instead of Comic sans, Courier, Times New Roman, etc.

Keep the font size to 11-12 and the heading size to 14-16

Send your resume as a PDF and not a word doc.

Basic Resume template content

This is the best format to follow for content

Contact information that includes: Name, phone number, email address, location, website (if you have any)

Professional summary: This part should allow the recruiter to scan through your resume in 6-8 seconds. Yes, that's how precise, careful and to-the-point you have to be here while keeping in mind the information that best tells your professional journey.

Work experience: This will contain everything that you have done but do not make it an essay. Keep it in bullet points, show them what you did and how it was useful to the organization. Don't brag about yourself.

Education: This should not take more than a minute and more than 2 lines.

Skills: Mention what you know

This is it. Your resume should ideally have this information to convince the recruiter to call you. Even though you can add more information like hobbies, languages, etc to your basic resume template but it is of the least interest to a recruiter when they are looking to hire for technical positions. So get going with your resume and let us know if you have any questions about it in the comments. 

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