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A destiny that changed my life,
A prince that lit my life.
You are the password to my life.

A zillion stars up in the sky,
But mine shines the brightest, I can't deny.

In my heart,you hold a place
Which no one else can ever replace.♡

Without you,I amn't complete,
For my heart,u are it's beat.

Every breath I take is meant for you,
My whole soul belongs to you.

I said I won't make u sad but did it through our way,
I swear I regret what I did that moment of the day.
Never wanted to make you feel sad,
you know, sometimes I go mad.
But my intentions are pure and sweet
I love you more with my every heartbeat.

It's lovely, the feeling,I have for you,
Every second I love you more and more.

Love was just a word until I met you,
And now my life is worth living because of you.

When life pulls me apart,you are always there,
A heart like yours is very rare.

Love you forever, from day till night
And this brings my life, tons of delight.

You are the reason I believe dreams do come true,
I was indeed destined to meet you.🤍

When I hear your name,I begin to blush,
I am afraid people notice,i love you so much.

You and me together is my only wish,
Nothing can seperate us,I promise you this.

God is the witness that our love is true.
No matter what happens, I will be with you.

You believe in me when no one else does,
With no doubt,you are my now,is and was.

I love you from head to toe,
And even more than you will ever know.

My love for you is stronger than time,
I won't share you cause u are only mine.

Indeed,this night isn't enough to be thankful to you,
How much you mean to me,you still have no clue♡

ALL MY LOVE FOR YOUWhere stories live. Discover now