One more day, standing around, what is it for?

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  • Dedicated to The inspiration for Sadie.

We'd run down to the auditorium laughing. It felt OK, this whole Les Miserables thing. Perhaps I could get used to it and all... Me and him had entered the auditorium, I'd taken back my hand, to be yelled at.

"Where have you two been? We've been trying to rehearse Look Down and we've been missing our Cosette and our Marius..." Sadie, the girl speaking, was our student director. She had bluntly-cut blonde hair to just above her chin. "We're rehearsing Little Fall Of Rain afterwards... Adalia?" She turned to me. "The girl we'd casted as Eponine's sick today. Do you mind filling in if you need to?"

"No. I'd auditioned for Eponine anyway." I said. Sadie nodded. I headed over to the stage, where I saw Junie and Yvette's redheaded minion apparently fighting over a piece of paper, the redheaded girl winning, looking devastated. I recognized it... It was a sequence here in our play. But... Her? I knew nothing of her... Could she sing? Junie retreated to the back of the stage for Look Down, and the redhead hopped down. I walked over to her.

"Uhm, hey. I'm Adalia." I muttered, extending my hand to her. "Oh yeah..." she muttered, looking up. She was fairly pretty, with big, brown eyes and a heart-shaped face. "Your the girl who's playing Cosette. I'm Carla." Carla. That was her name... "And your Fantine I assume?" I asked her. Fantine was the mother of Cosette, whom she gave to an innkeeper and his wife. "Yeah..." Carla muttered, and she walked away. I'd been oblivious to the music starting, and were part of the way through... I should be backstage.

"See our children fed, help us in our shame..." The voices of the townspeople came, singing, as I rushed backstage. Xavier was singing his part, and another boy his, and I was on in a second. I just stood there. By the time I made it to my post, I was a few lines away.

"You'll be in the clear." came a voice, but it wasn't our Eponine's. It was a recording of Samantha Barks voice. She'd done the role in the past.

"Who was that man?" That was Xavier. He was a fairly good singer... Well, good enough to land a part that carries the play at least.

"Leave me alone!"

"Why is he here? HEY EPONINE!" That was my cue to walk on, and be stopped mid-walk by Xavier nealy running into me. I made my entrance, trying to act bubbly and girly and a bit like a space cadet, brought back by this person intruding my space. He was an angry boy trying to get his friend to tell him something, nearly running over this girl. Both of us stopped, and acted dumbfounded, as if this was the worlds greatest thing, ever. 

"I didn't see you there, forgive me..." Xavier's part, again. I didn't have a part in Look Down. I smiled slightly, and turned to try to find the actor playing Jean Valjean. He was gesturing over, and I went over like a lost puppy, with Xavier's eyes trailing my footsteps. It was the way of the play. When it came time to make our exit, we did.

"Well. That was certainly fun." the boy said in sarcasm. "Yeah." I agreed, nodding. He raised his hand to high-five me, and I high-fived him. Perhaps we could be good friends. We stood back there a while, and soon Xavier joined us, jogging off stage. 

"That was fun." he said, not sarcastic. The boy playing Jean rolled his eyes and walked away. "He didn't think so." I laughed a bit. "Well... All he had to do was stand there." Xavier pointed out. "You have a point."

Rehearsal was tedious, and it went on like that for a while. They decided to skip 'Little Fall Of Rain', and skip straight to Castle on a Cloud, where, for lack of budget, they trained me to act little in case that I'd have to play little Cosette as well. The song was high-pitched, lonely, and depressing. Then therewas the skinny girl, playing the fat innkeeper's wife. The innkeeper was fat too. However, both actors were skinny as heck. I found this kinda funny.

Rehearsal ended after an hour and a half, and I had an idea. My friends, they knew nothing. I thought, now that Les mis has us having to meet together anyway, we should be able to go to my house. It had the most space, after all. Because of the zombie thing, we couldn't do that right now. I corner each one of my friends as they left- Lynn, Rave, Fae, Xavier, Charlie, Ainsley, Kiara, and Sheriah- and told them to meet me out front.

"Why are we here?" Lynn asked when I came back.

"Yeah." Sheriah agreed. Sheriah flicked her brown hair over her shoulder, putting her foot against the wall and crossing her arms.

I sighed. "Because... You're finally going to get to see the inside of the infamous Emerson household." Rave, Fae, and Lynn mock gasped, Charlie looked elighted. Kiara was happy, and it looked like Xavier was appy as well, but somewhat wary.

"Now, how exactly are we getting there?" AInsley asked. "I can't exactly walk very far." It was true. Ainsley had this weird leg disorder... She was supposed to get a wheelchair soon.

Charlie reached into his pocket and swung a keyring with the keys to a minivan on his index finger. "Via the Charliemobile." he said confidently. Charlie tended to do weird things like that. Alot.

"Let's do this." I said confidently. Charlie lead the way to where his seven-passenger, not including the driver, van sat.

"Address?" he called over his shoulder as I slid into the way back with Xavier."

"736 North." I recited, smiling.

Charlie fed that into his GPS and we headed off. In the driver's side was Sheriah, and Fae, Rave, and Ainsley were i the middle, and Lynn was with me and Xavier.

I swallowed hard... No one knew... This could be a great risk. 

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