Chapter 1

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Well it all started in my 5th grade, I was always bullied by my seatmate Leo he mostly pranks me in class like putting some fart pad or filling my bag with trash, teasing me with random things or pushing me and making me trip in p.e., well my parents went twice because of that but Leo never stops until Milla steps in and drops me her bag and said

:Your my minion now follow me through the washroom

Milla Schmidt is our school representative so if anyone approaches her there dead, like some of them got bullied after slipping some of her perfume or make up...

After that day Leo exchange seats with my classmate also i see my desk so clean with my other lost things above of it well being Milla's minion is a bit of a disaster besides carrying her bag, bringing her needs, buying her foods, sometimes i help her with her hair and mostly make up, feeding her vitamins and checking her bp everyday maybe thats why her past minions leave

She makes sure no one can talks to me or interacts with me 

Also one time a guy offers to help me to carry my books, Milla steps in and said

:Nope its her work don't bother us

Also in Highschool a Football ace pints me into my locker and said

:Hey can u be my date to the prom

Then Milla steps on his foot and said

:Nope she cant, But i can 

Well Im not really pissed about it because Im not really into guys nor girls; except for Felix, Lee Felix is my childhood bestfriend and i do have a little crush on him maybe that why i feel assured 

He stays every summer and also on holidays like Christmas and New Years 

He's sweet, very annoying , quite funny, sometimes gentle and really understanding when he's here I feel like he recharges me i feel like im a better person with him i forgive and forget too easily like crazy  and it feels really good 

Well we first met when i was five and hes eight that time in the back of the playground that day i was following a strangers footprints and it leads me towards you i see a boy crying under the tree holding a puppy i sit next to you and said


i lend you my towel on my back and asks

:How old is she?

Felix replied

:Shes only a one month old 

i replied 

:Oh, whats her name? 

Felix replied

:Sherlly, you know shes really cheerful yet no one really cares when she dies my parents is so busy and my grandma is sleeping  *sobs*

i replied 

:Do you want to make a funeral for her 

Felix said 


And i said

:First lets gather rocks 

Then we gather rocks and make a pit and pick some flowers also get water spray for the holy water 

And we started the ceremony 

:And now for this ceremony well hear all your last words for sherlly

and we put flowers and pray for sherlly for the goodbye remarks 

after we go home we both asked each other 


:whats your name?!

i replied

:Oh my name is Jade 

and i reach out my hand 

felix replied 

:Im felix nice to meet you 

as we both shake hands we laugh 

I didn't feel dirty at all suprisingly i feel refreshing for meeting my first friend 

after that when im walking into the neighborhood i felt like someone is following me 

I run anxiously and bumped into a wall i just see felix running towards me and lend me a hand  

and said 

:Are you okay?!

as i get up i felt that my left cheek is numb 

He turns my face and checks my cheek and and says its puffed up 

He asks 

:Do you live around here?

I nods and points my home

He said

:Oh where neighbors im staying at my grandma's 

He gently escorted me back home and said

:Thank you for today and see you tomorrow 

I smiled and said

:Oh ok *hurting cheek* 

He *giggles*

:Rest well 

and we happily send goodbyes to each other 

It may sound a little creepy on how we met but being with you and knowing you is the best part 

Can't wait to meet you again 


Almost A Supporting Characterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن