Chapter 1

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Talia's pov

On the flight to Rotterdam reminded me of how big Eurovision actually is. The problem is that representing the uk is that being one of the big 5 comes with high expectations but for the uk because they have been performing so badly nobody expects anything major. For me this is a chance to potentially gain some more fans, get some friends and most importantly to enjoy it while it lasts. I'm not a very big name in the music industry and I'm fine with it although I rather be a bit bigger than I am. I've been listening to the Norwegian and French entires for the past week or so. Apparently the Italians are the ones to beat so I'm not expecting to beat them, nor anyone really. Apparently my record label wants me to go on tour after Eurovision and if I place higher than 10th I get to choose where first and if I get 5th I can choose when I start the tour but if I win I get to choose who comes on tour with me. I've arranged to get my first tattoo when I land in Rotterdam, one that will remember it for the rest of my life even if I get dementia and I'll also get my favourite personal quote. One on each shoulder.


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'Destined to be lonely forever' written down the blade of a dagger

The plane is about to land so I quickly pack my headphones back into my hand bag

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The plane is about to land so I quickly pack my headphones back into my hand bag. Thankfully it's the only thing I need to worry about as I've been sent a personal assistant with me. He's nice and likes to help a lot but his family is also here so I don't like keeping him away from his family but they often hang out with me as they don't want me to be lonely plus their little girl just loves me. I don't know if it's because I always have some sweets or because I play around with her but ether way it helps me feel a bit more whole. So while little Sofia is sitting beside me watching peppa pig her mummy and daddy get to relax and enjoy each other's company. I gently wake up Sofia as not to scare her and make her scream.
Talia "hunny, were almost there so I'll put your tablet into your bag so you don't lose it okay?"
Sofia "okay Auntie Talia."
Talia "good girl."
I kiss the top of her head which makes her giggle and I proceed to put away her tablet. When the announcement comes to put on your seatbelts I put on Sofia's first the put my own on. I go back to looking forward and then fell a small hand grab mine so I look down to see Sofia smiling up at me, her smile makes my heart melt. I wish I had one but I suppose I could just keep stealing this one.

Once we land I help guide Sofia back to her mummy and daddy. Which helps us all out Gerald my personal assistant by being there, Emma by bringing her little girl back and Sofia by taking her to her parents even though they all trust me with her.
Sofia "Mummy, Daddy."
Sofia runs away to her mummy and daddy not before giving me a heart attack by running away from me in a busy airport. I catch up to the little rascal and her parents.
Talia "Sofia, you shouldn't run away like that, your going to give me grey hairs before we go back home."
Sofia "sorry, but then you will be like daddy."
Gerald "hey you wee cheeky monkey."
Gerald then goes and tickles Sofia. Leaving both me and Emma looking at them and shaking our heads in sync which normally gets a laugh from the other two.
Once we leave the airport we make our way to to the hotel to leave our luggage. Gerald and Sofia are having a day out while me and Emma have a girls day out, the meeting point is the hotel restaurant at 6. So me and Emma are planning to go shopping, get me my tattoos, then lunch followed by more shopping. We enjoyed our time out shopping and after getting my tattoos we found a small cafe for lunch only to find that there was only one table left with 6 seats so we took the table and sat at one end of the table to allow more people to sit at the table, it wasn't long until four people walked in and were about to walk back out again until.
Talia "you can sit beside us if you want there's plenty room."
Damiano "thank you."
The four of them sat down beside us so we thought why not try and talk to them. I noticed that the woman was extremely beautiful and held a powerful aura around her.
Talia "so where are you lot from because that's not a Dutch accent you have."
Damiano "we're Italiano, we're here for Eurovision, how about you."
Emma "oh, we're here for Eurovision as well."
Thomas "we're how you say, eh taking part."
Emma "oh your Italy's entry for Eurovision, Selena here is Britain's entry."
Talia "so what's your names?"
Damiano "I'm Damiano the singer."
Thomas "I'm Thomas I'm the guitar player."
Ethan "I'm Ethan I'm the drummer."
Victoria "I'm Victoria I'm the bassist."
Damiano "and together we're..."
Then the four of them said "Måneskin."
Talia "I'm Talia or better known as Selena Natalia Brown."
Emma "and I'm Emma her personal assistants wife and together we're..."
Both "team uk."
Ethan "are you sure your not sisters?"
Talia "no, we've just known each other for years now."
Damiano "so Talia are you single?"
I nearly choked on my drink.
Emma "yes she is."
Then I kicked her.
Emma "ow, what you are. Your not really destined to be lonely forever."
Talia "hey, come on fine."
Emma "hunny your anything but."
Victoria "yeah you seem pretty nice."
Talia "thank you, so do you lot. I mean you are favourites to win."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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