Chapter 5: Historic Recurrence

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Historic Recurrence

the repetition of similar events in history

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(If the story every says '*muffin*' with the lil * around it, that means that it is actually a swear word, I'm just censoring it for a the innocent ones out there :) )


You jump a bit and turn to see Tommy sprinting towards you.

"Hi, Tommy."

He stops next to you, huffing for breath. "I know what we're gonna do today!"

Oh no.

"So, apparently Skeppy got his hands on a disc. And we're gonna steal it."

Oh frick.

Karl's words echo through your head. "That sounds like a bad idea."

"Aw, c'mon, where's your sense of adventure?"

You cross your arms. "What if he doesn't take it well? You could start a war... or something."

Tommy rolled his eyes. "I'll just go without you then." He started to walk away.

You sigh internally. "Hold up, I'll come."

Tommy grins, "Then get your *muffin* moving!" He takes off again, running down the main path. You run after Tommy, yelling for him to slow down.

Tommy thankfully listens to you and leads the way to Skeppy's house at a bit slower pace.

As the two-story building comes into view, you ask, "Do you even have a plan?"

"... kind of?"

This is going to go so well.

...that was sarcasm.

"How about we just sneak in and find Skeppy's chest?" Tommy suggests with a shrug.

You nod. No violence that way.

Tommy wanders around to the side of the house and begins to climb a tree. You jump up onto the first branch, wobbling a bit before climbing up. Tommy stops climbing at nearly the top of the tree. He reaches over and opens the window, then slips inside.

Once both of you are inside, you slide the window shut.

Tommy gestures for you to follow him, and the two of you slowly make your way down the hallway, opening doors as you go.

"Found it!" Tommy whispers a little too loudly.

"Be quiet," you whisper back, stepping into the room Tommy was already in. Inside the room are rows of chests all around.

You walk over to the first chest and open it up. There's food and some empty bottles laid neatly inside. You move on to the next, carefully rummaging through it before moving on to the next.

After looking through all the chests, the two of you decide it's probably not there. Just as you're about to go try somewhere else, you get interrupted.

"Um, what are you two doing?"

You spin around and see Bad standing in the doorway.

"Oh *muffin*," Tommy mutters.


Skeppy appeared behind him, a disc in his hand. "What's happening?"

Tommy grinned. "I found it!"

You raise an eyebrow at Tommy, your face clearly saying 'no dip Sherlock'.

Tommy rolled his eyes at you and drew his sword. "Skeppy, you're gonna give me the disc, then we'll leave."

Skeppy took a step back, clutching the disc closer to his torso. "Yeah, no."

You sigh and slip your bow off your shoulder. What happened to avoiding a fight?

Bad and Skeppy backed out into the hallway as Skeppy hands the disc over to Bad.

Sharing a glance with Skeppy, Bad suddenly turns and sprints down the hallway, with Skeppy following close behind.

You and Tommy chase after them, only a few paces behind. The two in the lead turn a corner and dash down the stairs.

Tommy leaps off the top of the staircase, landing in front of Bad and Skeppy. He shakes a bit from the landing but doesn't seem too fazed.

Tommy swings his sword to the right, nearly hitting Skeppy. Bad manages to dart around his blade and continues to run, disc clutched in one hand. Tommy turns and runs after Bad, leaving Skeppy chasing behind him.

You draw an arrow, and fire it at Skeppy, hitting him in the leg. He stumbles and has to stop to pull the arrow out. You shoot another arrow, this time at Bad. You miss. Skeppy, ignoring the pain he surely must be feeling, continues running again, a limp accenting his every step.

However annoying he can be, you can't watch Tommy get teamed up on. Gripping your bow tightly, you chase after Skeppy. You chase him out of the house, where you find Bad and Tommy. Tommy has his sword pointed at Bad's throat, with the disc in his other hand.

Skeppy charges at them, raising his sword to strike Tommy.

You stop in your tracks and draw another arrow. Skeppy is almost to Tommy, ready to kill.

You release the arrow.

Skeppy falls.

"SKEPPY!" Bad drops all attempts at getting the disk back, and quickly darts around him to Skeppy.

You feel numb.

"Let's go!" Tommy yells.

Tommy runs.

You follow.

Skeppy has two lives now.

Tommy stops running once you're in the cover of the trees again. He starts laughing breathlessly.

"What the *muffin* was that," you snap after you catch up to him.

"I thought you didn't swear."

You whirled around to face him with a sharp glare, "Shut. Up. Tommy. You're really joking around right now when Skeppy just *muffin* died."

"You're the one who killed him." Tommy said, crossing his arms.

The earth goes silent. No birds sing, no crickets chirp. The wind stills. And it finally sinks in.

You killed Skeppy.

It was all your fault. You didn't hesitate. You shot him. And he fell.

And you ran.

You open your mouth to say something, then close it again. What could you say?

Nothing could fix this.

"He was going to kill you!" you finally manage to say.

Tommy doesn't reply.

"Was it worth it? Are you happy with your disc?" you ask, advancing on Tommy, "Was Skeppy dying worth some stupid disc?"

"I'm still not the one who made the choice to *muffin* shoot him! I didn't make the choice to kill Skeppy! You can't blame me when you're the one that did it!"

You bite your tongue. "Enjoy your disc," you say, sounding much calmer than you actually are. "But don't look to me for help when they come for revenge."

You turn back to the path, and leave Tommy behind.

:/ Welp. Things are finally starting to go downhill.  Huuuuge thanks to Splashheart8 for helping me with the dialogue in the chapter, I was struggling so much... ur the best Splash :D

Ty for reading! You guys are amazing <3

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