Chapter 1

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Nagisa was running, long blue hair flowing behind him. He passed people, stores, houses, all to get away from his mother.

He ended up in a familiar place, and knocked on the door. A girl opened the door, wearing shorts and a tank-top.
"Nagisa? Come in! What happened to you!? Why don't you have your hair up!?"Nagisa stepped in, trying to catch his breath. Nagisa bowed slightly, showing the girl an apology.

"Nagisa, don't worry. I'm helping you. You don't need to apologize!" The girl smiled, putting her green hair in a ponytail.

Nagisa stared at the girl, who dragged him towards a guest room. "You may stay here, and you might need new clothes." The girl lied on the bed, and looked over at her best friend.

"Kayano, I couldn't thank you enough." Nagisa smiled, dimples showing. Then Nagisa checked his phone, to see his mother calling him.
"Who is that?" Kayano peeked over her friend's shoulder.

Nagisa sighed. "Let's go shopping, everything is on sale today." Nagisa turned his phone off, and followed his green haired friend out the door. He watched as she locked her front door. "Oh! Before I forget! Your hair is down, let's put it up." Kayano pulled two hair ties and put her friend's long, blue hair up.

Although they where only at the store, everything seemed a little pricy. "Are you sure everything is ok? I mean, look at this, everything is probably really expensive." Nagisa asked, looking at the cart full off clothes, and other things.

"I'm sure, I mean, I am your best friend. I mean, best friends do that, right?" Kayano turned around, and gave Nagisa a smile. Nagisa felt heat rising up to his cheeks. "Can I call you Kaede? I mean, you call me Nagisa, but everybody does." 

"Sure!" Kayano started skipping as Nagisa pushed the cart. "You're really exited about this, aren't you Kaede?" Nagisa pulled up into the self-checkout and started scanning everything. "Wow, it wasn't that expensive as I thought it would be. It was only 55 dollars."

Nagisa whipped out his credit card, and put it in the machine. "And.. Paid! Oh, you put everything in the bags." Nagisa started to push the cart towards their car. He drove, he got motion sick.

"Hey Nagisa, what's your favorite food? You guess mine." Kaede asked, Smirking at Nagisa playfully. Nagisa sighed "My favorite food is Sushi and you love pudding, I'm not blind, I see the twelve pack pudding cups in the review mirror." Kaede sighed.

"You know me too well." Kaede unbuckled her seatbelt when Nagisa pulled into the driveway. "Anyways, what do you want to do?" Nagisa shrugged. (He wanted to play with her hair), and grabbed 10 bags, putting 5 on each arm. 

Kayano grabbed one, barely able to hold it. "Oh my gosh, this is heavy, how'd you do that." Kayano sighed, as she put the bag on the counter. Nagisa shrugged again. 


Nagisa had wrapped himself in a blanket, while forced to watch Darling in the FRANXX with Kayano. He had to say, It was very good so far. It was the second season, and he could not stop watching. 

"I ship Zorome x Miku. It's canon."

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