Chapter 1: Complications in Comp Sci

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"Dear God, never let me have you set me up with anyone ever again!" Diya shouted at her best friend through the phone, holding her forehead in her right hand to suppress the throbbing headache she had from last night's drunken one night stand.

"What?" Zara innocently whispered, clearly hiding her phone call from her household. "He was cute, tall, and so...quiet. He couldn't have been that bad!"

Diya loved her best friend, but she couldn't be counted on having the best taste for men. Of course, Zara was engaged and Diya just got dumped by her ex of four years. So maybe she herself didn't have the best taste either. Either way, she was panicking and nearly sprinted out her dorm onto campus.

Diya looked at her Apple Watch to see what time it was. It would have been better if she stayed home last night, considering that now she was almost late for class and still hungover. A blurry tape of whatever happened last night played through her mind, unsure about who exactly it was she slept with. His head was covered with the blanket but his feet dangled off the bed.

"Wallah bro, his toes gave me the biggest ick. Why didn't he just shave them?" She said as she entered a bright building that she remembered being the one where most of her classes were. Some kids looked over at her with a slight questionable glance and went back to their conversation.

"You need to calm down or else your mom is gonna hear you all the way from Bangladesh. What? Shave his balls?"

"No! His toes!" She screamed. The people started to laugh at her this time and she hurried down the corridor. She apologized, hung up, and ran to the door that was starting to close.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Sorry, I'm in this class," she quietly whispered to the door closer. He let her through and she noticed that due to her late arrival there was only one seat left. The best seat in the house when you're trying to hide the fact you're late; the front.

She apologized the girl she hit with her bag and silently sat down, waiting for the class to begin. Of course the only thing she could think about is how something was missing. She instantly put her hand to her neck. It was gone. She looked through her backpack and felt her stomach drop. Her necklace was gone. Zara had told her to just get rid of it, the stupid anniversary gift he promised was a pre-engagement gift after waiting for four years.

"Babe, think of it as your promise ring. Just, it's around your neck. I thought you'd like it better. It's more discreet and wearable. Don't you love it? I think it looks exactly like the one your mom got from your dad."

Her ex smiled fondly at her as she frowned. It had her birth stone (ironically, a diamond) and was held together by beautiful fourteen karat gold. Strong, durable, he told her like their bond. She smiled and he put it on. She loved it, or so she made herself believe.

She was snapped out of her memories as soon as everyone pulled out their clickers. She forgot hers. "Shit," She muttered under her breath. Of course, she read the syllabus and reminded herself that she had until next week to bring it to class.

The professor, an old and frail woman probably as old as the school itself, started to moan on and on about the course. The requirements, attendance, percentages, etc. Diya made doodles in her notebook and made arrows on the printed copy of the syllabus to pretend paying attention. Then at the corner of the room she noticed a figure leering behind the podium at a desk.

It was the guy from last night. She didn't even remember his name. Kareem? No...

"Everyone, this is my teaching assistant, Khalil," the professor extended her hand towards him. She urged him to come stand in the front of the room but everyone could tell he was nervous. Diya avoided eye contact with him, unsure about whether or not he remembered her from last night. Of course, when she woke up and left it was still 5 am but she felt as though he was pretty sober last night.

He started to hand out paperwork and she made sure not to look up. He started to talk about the final project which was a partner or group project that contributed to twenty percent of their final grade.

"Hopefully, you will all respect each other and learn each other's names. It will be important later on. Thank you," he finished. He took his seat and as he did, Diya looked at him with a frown.

What did he mean by respect each other? Was that some sort of dig at her last night? Did he overhear her conversation in the hallway?

"Well class, unfortunately I am a nice professor and I will let you leave early as it is the first day of class. Don't forget to buy your clickers. Goodbye," she said. She took a seat at the desk and made sure to click out of the computer's tabs.

Diya hurried to shove everything in her bag and leave the class. Her path was sadly blocked by some nerd who looked like he hadn't showered in days, let alone breathed any air from outside his mother's basement. She frowned again as she got a whiff of the man's lack of hygiene.

As she was leaving the room, she bumped into someone.

"Hey," the teacher's assistant greeted her. "Can we talk?"

"Oh, Khalil," Diya nervously replied. She reached for her neck to play with her necklace but nothing was there. "Hi. You know, I'm actually really late for my next class. Maybe next time?"

She nearly ran away from him. He blinked in confusion and looked at the golden necklace in his hand. He wondered what he did to make someone run away from him that quickly. Khalil put the jewelry back in his pocket and went to his office, knowing he would have to eventually give it to her.

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