You Will Die

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In 1987, in the United States of America, there were 3 friends, Mark, Alexander and George
They decided during the summer vacation to go to the forest to camp, but their departure from the city was after sunset, so they arrived in the forest late at night.
George stayed awake by the fire, but he heard the voice of a woman crying loudly in the middle of the forest, and the sound moved everywhere, but suddenly it disappeared.  I heard a woman crying, but they couldn't believe it They thought that George was hallucinating because of fatigue and they went back to sleep. George stayed awake and frightened by the sound, but suddenly he heard a voice from the forest saying 'You will die' and the sound kept ringing in George's ear until he decided to go into the middle of the forest to see what this sound really was. He got up and went.  To the forest The forest was very scary and dark and George kept following the echo of the sound in the forest until he reached a very large tree in the forest and saw from afar a woman sitting alone, so he walked towards her and as he progressed, he got farther until she disappeared and when he turned back he found her standing behind him an ugly-looking woman with her  Horns in her head, the color of her eyes are red, her teeth are like the teeth of a wolf.  Then her voice turned into the voice of a terrifying man. He said: I am the devil.
George tried to escape, but he could not run and shouted at his friends, but it was useless. The devil attacked George and cut his pieces and ate them and then cut off his head and parts of his body and then took the head and threw it at George's friends in the tent and screamed in a terrifying voice until they woke up and saw George's head  They were in their arms and were terrified by the severity of the scene until they started screaming and ran away in the forest and got up
The devil terrified them so much he screamed during their escape until they split in the forest and everyone was walking alone Alexander was fat in body he couldn't run fast so he kept walking in the forest while he was afraid and calling his friends but they didn't work until Alexander heard a terrifying voice saying 'You will die' and panicked to run away from  Intense fear, but the surprise was that the devil suddenly appeared in front of him. Alexander was terrified of seeing the devil and kept screaming and saying help me, but it was useless to scream until the devil attacked him, gouged out his eyes and ate them, and then brutally separated his body from his head
Only Mark was left alone and frightened in the woods, so he heard the devil's cry and ran away and kept running and running until he got tired of running and hid behind the tree and turned and cried until he heard the devil's cry and got up and started running quickly until he reached a deserted street and started walking in it and during his walk he heard a sound  A stranger whispered in his ear 'You will die', but there was no trick in the matter until he continued walking, and he kept walking until he reached the end of the street and saw the light of a rural village, so he decided to go to it.  When he reached the village, he shouted at the people of the village to save him, and the people came out at the voice of Mark, and when they saw his condition and his torn clothes, they took him and gave him clothes to wear. After they asked him what was wrong with you, he told them what happened to him and his friends and how they were killed.  And they told him, “How did you survive while you were alone in the forest?” He said to them, “I escaped and saw the light of the village, and before I arrived to you, I heard his cry close to me.” He asked the people of the village about the matter of this forest and the devil living in it.  And that this devil has horns and he lives in them. Mark said to them, “Please, I would like to go back to the house. How.” They told him: “Let’s wait for the morning to rise and we will drive you home.” Mark kept waiting for the sunrise until the people of the village brought him to the city, and it was only a few hours until the sun rose and they arrived  Mark to the city and from there Mark went to his house to find the police and his friends' families at his house. When he arrived, the police tied him up and took him to the detective station. They asked him about his friends, George and Alexander, and he spoke to them about what happened with them in the woods, but they did not believe what he said until the detectives decided to go to the forest to investigate the case.  Mark warned them not to go into the forest, but they did not listen to him and went to the forest, but since that time they did not return from there and became a media sensation at the time and Mark decided to write a story about what happened with him and his friends and detectives............

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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