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(Will's POV)

I just didn't understand.

He liked me, I liked him - maybe loved - why didn't he accept it?

It was okay that he wasn't gay. I would be there for him every step of the way, but he said 'gay' like it was a cuss. It wasn't a cuss. Thinking it was was inexplicably offensive. It was an identity. 

We didn't have to tell anyone.

It might have hurt, but he was right. It was for the better. 


The next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital, weird tubes sticking to my skin in my arms.

Max is there, not doing anything.

Well, something.

She's bobbing her knees up and down, wide-eyed, and emotionless. The only hint that she was still there was her eyes. 

Tears followed each other to her exposed collar-bone. She didn't even lift a hand to wipe them away.

"Max?" I whispered.

She glanced at me. I smiled at her,

She didn't smile back.

Instead, she crouched down next to the bed I was on, and asked me;

"What were you thinking, will?" She was speaking so softly, it scared me. She wasn't yelling.


Her eyes widened, her jaw clenched.

"He could go to hell for all I care."

"Max, please don't say that."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were religious-

"I'm not. But Mike's a person, Max."

"Not in my world."

I looked at my wrists. They were bandaged and pale. 

And I remembered everything. That Mike said. That I did. To myself.

And I puked on myself. In front of Max and everything.

"Oh! I'll go get the nurses, hold on."

I fell into a deep thought, as if I was dreaming. The cream ceiling was my screen, displaying thoughts of what it could have been if no one had found me in the bathroom. 

Then I heard a knock on the door. Finally. The smell of my own vomit was wafting, and I really didn't feel like puking again.

"Humm." I mumbled.

The person opened the door.

"Hi, love." It was a nurse.

She had blonde hair tied into a tight bun at the back of her head. Her lips were crimson and she had a sickly hot pink clip board.

"Hi." I responded.

"Someone is here to see you. A few people actually. Can they come in?"

"Sure." I said.

She quickly swiped up the vomit, sprayed the room with lavender spray - a smell that wasn't hospital for once - and left the room, obnoxiously rubbing sanitizer into her hands.

"Will!" It was the rest of the party! Not including Mike . . .

"Hey, guys!" I said with a weak smile.

"We heard what happened." Lucas said.


"Yea? What were you told . . .?"

"You cut yourself right? What were you doing?"

"You guys don't have to worry! Um . . . It was an accident!"

"Really?" El folded her arms across her chest and raised an eyebrow. I couldn't fight against her. I knew she had seen it all.

"No. Can we not talk about it though?"


Then they all started talking about dnd while i listened.

Well, i didn't really listen.

I was busy watching a shadow. 

It was lurking by the window, trying its best to not be seen.

I knew who it was.

I watched as the shadow backed away from the window, heading towards the front of the hospital.

Quick POV change to Mike ~~~

I watched from the hospital window as the party came in to Will's room.

He was beautiful as ever, his arms wrapped in thick gause.

It made me shiver, thinking about Max's blood-curdling shriek when she opened the bathroom door.


I rushed to the open bathroom door.

I easily looked over Max's head to see the crumpled body on the floor.

Will's body.

Blood was pooling onto the floor, and lightly spattered on the sink and the edges of the walls. Will's breathing slowly decreased. 

Max ran over to the counter, wailing as she yelled at the woman to call an ambulance. 

I kneeled by will, yanking toilet paper to cover his wounds.

He lazily looked at me, his eyelids half- shut.

For a few seconds, the world slowed, and all I did was gaze at Will.

He was perfect, his long eyelashes tickling his cheeks.

I wiped the droplets of blood that had landed on his face.

He was so angelic. Not just his looks, but the way he cared. I held his eyes in mine, letting out a sob when they slowly fluttered shut for what i thought was the last time. 

Max ran in, people behind her. They took him with them and i cried for them to give him back.

Max looked over to him, love only friends could feel spotted clearly on her eyes. 

She then looked down at me, hate radiating off her body.

"Go fuck your self Mike."

Then she left, leaving me to kneel, the knees of my jeans soaked through with Will's blood.

Change back to Will for next chapter ~~~

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