Harry Potter book

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Janelle curled her fingers around the broom stick as tight as she could, letting the wood splinter her skin, pulling it up tight towards her chest. she flung up in the air, letting her long brown hair follow the breeze. "woohoo" she yelled as she chased the gold sphere that had been flying. she reached towards the sphere, her black glasses fell off onto the ground. It was just a centimeter away. She leaned forward closer to her target and suddenly her balance began to tremble and she came in contact with the field, bruising her arm. After a minute of Janelle lying down and nothing but the wind, her coach broke the silence.  "It's okay Janelle. This is only practice, you'll catch the snitch during the actual match." Oliver Wood stated with his British accent. He has fairly short brown hair and light brown eyes. "Bloody hell, how could you be so sure? If i didn't catch it now i won't catch it then '' she had gotten up with Oliver's help and grimaced at the pain from the impact. " You better be right. There is no way I'll let those Hufflepuffs win again. Not after what they had done to us slytherins". Oliver handed Janelle her Glasses "You're lucky I'm teaching you, you know. I'm supposed to be helping the Gryffindors. Be glad for your Harry's sister". "I know" She sighed and put on her glasses. "I know thank you for your help. Speaking of Harry, where is he?" Oliver Shook and bowed his head slightly before responding "He's in the common room with Hermione and Ron. Go on, take a break but be back in an hour". She turns around with a smile to face the beautiful and magical school she loves called Hogwarts.
Ignoring the aching muscles from the fall, Janelle started making her way towards the Gryffindor common room. That is until her friend Jacob had joined her. Jacob is half a head taller than she is. He has dark brown short hair, enough to run his hand through his hair which he tended to do a lot. He has honey brown eyes and a wickedly charming smile. "I was thinking chocolate frogs and pumpkin juice". "What?" "You've been practicing really hard. You need a break. Livia even agrees" Jacobs' smirk had grown at the thought of Livia . Livia Malfoy has been friends with Janelle since first year up until now, fourth year. Harry doesn't approve of Janelle hanging out with a Malfoy but it's not easy making friends who are in Slytherin and Livia had come and talked to her first plus just because Harry and Draco don't get along doesn't mean Janelle shouldn't like the Malfoy's either. " As much as I would love to have chocolate frogs and see Livia...and pumpkin juice, I have to be back at the quidditch field in about fifty-two minutes. I was only given a break so that I could talk to Harry" Jacob leaned against the rusty stone wall and crossed his arms. "Well Livia's already on her way so i advise you to skip this Harry 'meeting' thing along with the rest of practice" While Jacob was speaking he used air quotes with his hand for the word meeting. Janelle rolled her eyes and looked directly at Jacob "Fine but if I get in trouble or lose the match that's coming up, it's on you". Jacob slightly nodded to show his agreement "Alright then now we wait". They stood in silence for about five minutes until Livia had arrived. It felt a lot longer than it should have. "The life of the party is here!" Livia was around Jacobs height and she has long white blonde hair and light gray eyes. Janelle chuckled at Livia's assumption. "Hey hey quiet down now we all know it's me" Livia smiled and grabbed Janelles hand "are we going to go or what?" she smirked at Jacob. Janelle hummed a yes in response while Jacob had already started walking towards the slytherin common room without a word. When they had entered, Janelle couldn't help but still gape and admire the room. It's been four years and she still is amazed. The walls and floor are stone while the carpet casts a green glow upon the room. The chandelier hung in its glory and the paintings came to life, literally. They moved and talked, and scolded a lot too. There are couches that form a circle around a polished stone cylinder in the middle of the room. The couches were light brown with green and gray striped blankets and black velvet pillows. The female dorms are located towards the far left corner where the stairs brought the passageway to enter while the boys were on the far right corner also with a staircase. The staircases are both old and worn out. Since there were no classes today, people in the room were preparing for a trip to Hogsmeade in its winter glory. "You guys are coming to Hogsmeade, right?" you could hear his grin in his voice. Jacob chuckled at Theo's comment "hell yeah we are". "Well then you guys better start heading towards the train. It's about to leave". Theodore Nott, nicknamed Theo Nott, was also in Slytherin like Janelle, Livia and Jacob. He is a head taller than Janelle and has dark, dark brown hair. Theo usually wears dark clothing as well and has deep brown eyes. He is also known to keep many secrets. Theo glanced at Janelle and raised his eyebrow in confusion. "Isn't chosen one number two supposed to be at practice" Janelle made eye contact with him and smirked " I know you think i'm your 'chosen one' but sorry im not interested." Janelle teased and put her hands in the pocket of her black hoodie. Theo smirked as well "oh you wish i fancied you"
"Do I? Do I really tho". Jacob and Livia casted a glance at each other in an awkward way, Jacob decided to cut in "Are we going or what?".
After the four of them found a compartment in the train and settled in Janelle stared outside the window deep in thought. "Janelle, what shop are we going to first?!" Livia broke Janelles' trance. "Uhm i don't know. Let's find out when we arrive. We still have about three hours until we get there. We have plenty of time to find out" Suddenly the compartment door opened to reveal an old lady with fierce red hair. "Anything from the trolly?" She asked with a bored tone. "Oh yes. Three chocolate frogs and four canned butterbeers please" Livia answered before digging into her purse. "That'll be 35 gallons" Janelle took out the amount and gave it to the old lady "It's on me". "Well you really are generous aren't you dearie" The old lady said as more of a statement than a question. Janelle politely said thank you while the old lady gave her the chocolate frog and butterbeers and closed the compartment door. "You really didn't have to" Livia stated while accepting her treats "My family is already wealthy enough". "It's true, have you seen Malfoy Manor?!" Jacob smirked as he guestered his hands to symbolize something huge. Janelle smiled as she slouched slightly and adjusted herself in her seat. Livia was beside Janelle while Jacob sat in front of her and Theo sat in front of Livia. " I would love to but you know, Mattheo, Draco and harry." Janelle then rolled her eyes. "I mean I get why I can't see Mattheo. I mean his father did...unalive my parents but Draco didn't. Neither did you guys." Janelle ran her hand over her face "what if he sees me with you and decides to pick a fight with you again". Theo chucked and rolled his tongue in the inside of his bottom lip "He will pick a fight he's 100 percent going to lose" "Yeah stop stressing over Harry and have some fun with your friends" Livia cut in. "Yeah if you stress yourself out too much you won't be able to focus on your game or exam coming up" Jacob agreed. In response Janelles' smile dropped and she looked back out the window. "Okay" Janelle said through a sigh "who's the extra chocolate frog for?" She aimed a glance at the chocolate frog packaging. Livia stared at Janelle with her sly smirk "this?" She tossed the chocolate frog into the air and caught it "This my dear is for a certain someone and you're going to give it to them" Livia passed the chocolate frog onto Janelle's lap. Janelle looked up at Livia, confused for a second until she realized who she was talking about. "No no" Janelle said through a chuckle and shook her head "Aw man you make me laugh". "Who is this 'them' you're talking about?" Theo questioned. "What? No one. Nothing shush." Janelle's words rushed out of her mouth. "Nothing at all. No need to worry about it" Janelle looked up and Livia who was now standing and said ''There's the other one too you know". "Yeah but 'the other one' doesn't love chocolate frogs as much '' Livia winked. "Nothings gonna happen. You know very well why".

—------------------------------Hogsmeade-Chapter two—----------------------------------------------------------

Janelle was jolted awake by Theo when the train had reached their destination. "Hurry up, the others have already left, they're waiting outside." Janelle rubbed the sleep from her eyes, stood up and grabbed the chocolate frog.
Janelle and Theo made their way out of the train and met up with Livia and Jacob who seemed to be talking with two people. "What are you two doing where? You never come here." Livia asked. "Am i not allowed to hangout with Mattheo and come here" 'Now that was definitely Draco speaking' Janelle thought.

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