high people in basements

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 my name is 706-555-1212"

"No it isn't, that's a fake number" you tell her, as you try to end the call.

"Fine! I'll talk to you later!" she says as she hangs up on you. bitch- you think to yourself as you continue to watch her go.

A few minutes later, the call comes through, and a deep male voice speaks to you.

> You say "whatsup shawty" "

"Oh, I'm just chillin, what's goin on?" you respond to the man on the other line.

> You say "he says "im high again so like where do I piss?"

"Hold on, I'll find you one" you say, as you get up and walk over to the sink.

You find a nice size port-a-pot, and return to your position.

> You say "at my house lmfao but you cant have it suk my dik"

The man on the other line laughs.

"Alright then, I'll be there in an hour, so you better have the money ready"

You hang up the phone, and notice the girl at the door.

> You say "im not givin ya'll shit lmao eat ass"

She smiles at you as she steps back to let you pass.

You walk out the door and into the stairwell, and make your way to the basement, where your crew is.

> You say "hey yall so like that mf jerry s gunna come to piss in my sink again when I told him he cant piss in my sink after getting high again so we uhh have to kill him now yes?"

Your crew nods in response, and you continue,

> You say "so we have to murder his ass and steal his wife because yes so like does anyone know how to do that cause the only thing ive ever killed was myself what"

Your crew responds by nodding, and you begin to feel confident that you'll be able to pull this off.

It's best to just do it now, before he's expecting it.

> You say "wait ok so HOW ARE WE DOING IT LMFAO stop nodding- are all of you high?"

Everyone nods again, and you sigh in frustration.

"For the love of god tell me how to kill a man, im not an idiot"

Your crew stares at you blankly, and you sigh again.

> You say "all of you are high oh my god you're all high what the f u ck you guys I told yall not to come to myself high.. raise your hand if you pissed in my sink"

> You say "oh my god. get out. all of you get out of my house. we talked about this you guys?? are you serious?? get out an no more weed for another month youre all experiencing withdrawl until you realize my sink is not a pissing zone.."

Your crew begins to laugh, and you know you made a mistake.

They're going to kill Jerry, and you're not going to stop them.

You need to do something fast, or you're screwed.

> You say "oh my god you high mfs get OUt"

As you say this, the crew begins to laugh even harder.

"That's an order officer" you hear over the laughter.

> You get out of your own house because your crew is too high to function.

You run out of your door and down the street, praying to god that they haven't all decided to just stay in and get even more high.

They wont, you tell yourself, they just wont.

AI dungeon shit that just happened idkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon