13. The third wheel xxx

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   Flóra was overwhelmed by all the visuals and she was glad to have Ove's arms around her shoulder as they were making their way to the upper bar. She was very conscious about the outfit he chose for her: studded high heels, seamed cutout latex stockings with suspenders and an elastic cropped top with cutouts at the front embellished with metal rings. Her nipples were barely covered and she blushed every time someone looked at her appreciatively, unlike Ove who enjoyed people staring at her for the both of them. He looked mouth-watering wearing only a black cotton waistcoat with dark green leather collars and golden buckles holding it together the front, complemented with black leather trousers and biker boots.

'See? Everyone is staring at you. You look extremely hot.'

'God...' she sighed. 'I need more drinks.'

'Coming right up.' and he waved at one of the bartenders. 'A mojito and a Macallan, please. You know which one.'

   Flóra went to the edge of the terrace, looking down at the crowd swirling below us. There were people covered in shiny body paint, girls wearing from latex bodysuits to intricate bodies and corsets, leaving their chests and ass naked, men dressed up as dogs or wearing leather masks. She saw women making out, grabbing and fondling each other, a man grinding against a plump ginger lady dressed as a dominatrix, tugging at his dog collar around his neck, another couple dry-humping each other by a pillar. The whole club smelled of lust and sex.

   Ove stepped behind her, closing his arms around her and she could feel his excitement through his pants.

'Don't worry, my love. You don't need to do anything you don't want to.'

   She looked up at him surprised. This was the first time he ever called her that. He brought his lips down to hers and grabbed her breasts as they kissed, then he stepped away to get the drinks, leaving her hot and wanting more. She followed him back to the bar and drank from her cocktail.

'Here. This will take away the nerves.' he said, holding up a miniature glass bottle in his hand.

'What is this?'

'Pure joy. Herbal potion. All natural ingredients.' and he dripped a few drops in his own drink. 'May I?'

'Sure, but just a little.' she said and she watched him stir the potion into her mojito.

'Drink. It will kick in gradually. You'll love it.'

   She drank half of her cocktail and just then one of her favourite club anthems started to roar from the loudspeakers.

'Yes!' she cheered. 'Come on! Let's dance.'

'I'm good. You go ahead. Mingle.'

'What? No way! I'm not going down there alone.'

'You are not alone. I will keep a close eye on that fine body of yours.' he whispered in her ears.

   She took a deep breath, gathered her courage, the inviting melody of her song pulsating through her body and made her way down to the dancefloor. She spotted a tall, slim girl with short black hair, shaved up on the sides wearing a simple black T-shirt and leather leggings with lace-up boots. Her arms and neck were heavily tattooed, and she had a small silver septum piercing. She was dancing with two other girls, just having fun. They were definitely high on something, twisting and turning to the bass. She reminded Flóra of this porn star she used to pleasure herself to in her lonely hours, so she danced towards them. The tattooed girl spotted her too and gave her a bright smile. Someone got them tequila shots and they chugged them. 

   Flóra started to feel extremely beautiful and just happy. She closed her eyes and moved to the music, as if dancing was her second nature. She felt someone linking their fingers into hers. It was the tattooed girl, her eyes hooded with desire, pressing her body against hers. Flóra got extremely horny, feeling her breasts against hears and she let her kiss her neck, making her way to her mouth. She had never kissed a girl before, not counting that one time during high school with her best mate, when she lost a bet, but that was nothing compared to this one. When their tongues met, she let out a low sigh and placed her hands on the stranger's backside. The butch moaned into her mouth as well and turned her around, pressing her body against Flóra's back. She grabbed her chin with her left, turning her head to the side, claiming her mouth, while her right hand was sliding under the straps of her cutout top, fondling her breasts. Flóra was dripping wet by this time and she could feel her juices inside her latex thong. The girl deftly hooked her fingers into her underwear, twisted it, starting to pull it up and down, stimulating her clit and folds; Flóra broke the kiss and tilted her head back, lost in the sensations, staring up when her eyes met Ove's. He was watching them intently from the edge of the first floor, his hands grabbing the rail as if he was about to snap it in two, his chest rising and falling visibly. She could tell he was enjoying the show from the hungry glow in his eyes. She smiled at him and took the girl's hand and slid it inside her thong, using the stranger's fingers to massage her wetness. The tattooed girl moaned into her ears, moved her hand away just to reach in between her thighs from behind and drove a finger inside her. Flóra cried out in pleasure, thankfully the music was so loud, she could barely hear herself as she was getting fingered right there on the dancefloor. She shut her eyes, riding the stranger's hand shamelessly and it didn't take long for her to come. She could feel the butch girl touching herself too and she came shortly after she did. They were both out of breath, balancing on each other, knees trembling. She looked around to find Ove, but she couldn't see him anywhere. She pulled away from the tattooed girl.

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