I Love You More.

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Robin, Gwenny and I all walked to school on Monday, the same we always have. While we were walking my mind began to wander off to my little sisters dreams. I hope that she'll have another dream about him and lead us to wherever The Grabber has him hidden. I looked down at Robins hand and he looked at me.

He shot me a loving smile as I smiled back putting my head on his shoulder for a little while. We walked into first period after saying goodbye to Gwenny, and took a seat at our desks next to each other.

"Robin?" I whispered in the quiet classroom trying to get his attention. He didn't answer.  I wrote 'Hey' on a little piece of paper, folded it up and threw it on the paper he was writing on. He unfolded it and wrote something on the back, throwing at me as I had done the same. 'Hey' it read. 'What are you doing after school? I wanna go look for Finney after school. I'm going to find that house and I'm going to find my brother.' I wrote on the paper. He shot me a confused look as to what was taking me so long to write down what I was writing down.

I passed him the paper and he unfolded it reading every word carefully. He looked at me and nodded giving me a reassuring look. At lunch Gwenny told Robin and I that she would be in deep shit.

"What? Why?" I asked her. "Amy...my friend..Amy Yamada. She told our teacher about the dreams I had about her brother, Bruce, and in the middle of class two detectives pulled me out. They think I'm the fucking Grabber! What kinda bullshit is that? I mean yeah...I totally took down Pinball Vance!" She told us rolling her eyes. "Have you..have you had anymore about Finney?" Robin asked her.

It felt really good to know that he cared about Finney. "Yeah actually. I had one last night. I meant to tell you guys this morning but I forgot and you guys were holding hands. Didn't wanna ruin your couple stuff." She told us playfully rolling her eyes. "Gwenny! You need to tell us when you have dreams like this!" I quietly shouted back at her. "Sorry I just-" "It''s fine. Just tell us please. What was it about?" I said, cutting her off. "Well I don't really know exactly. I was at the Grab N Go with you and Finney when Vance Hopper got mad at some kid for messing with his pinball game and started fighting him.  He threw him on the ground and started beating him up and he..carved.. 4 numbers into his arm." She told us, seeming very confused. "Then the cops showed up and arrested him. I got in the car with him and then a voice started talking through the walkie talkie in the front seat of the police car. It was....it was Finney. I tried to yell for him but nobody could hear me. He was talking to Vance."

I looked at her, puzzled, and then at Robin, him giving me the same look I had painted on my face. "Holy  shit. What if- what if that's the address to the house or something? I mean..the numbers you said he carved in that kids arm? Me and Robin...we were gonna go look for that house you said you saw in your first dream you had about Finney." I told her. "Can I come? I really wanna help find him too y'know." She asked. "Of course you can Gwenny." I told her.

The rest of the school day seemed to go by very slow. I was very eager to find Finney and had this weird gut feeling that he was gonna make it out of wherever he was. Just like Robin said.

After school Robin, Gwenny and I met up at my locker. "Hey hermosa." Robin said with a playful smile. "Hiii Robin." I replied, grinning back at him. When Gwen showed up we started walking towards our house. "You got a bike right?" I said looking at Robin. "Course I do Mila! I don't just walk everywhere." He told me, chuckling. I nudged him, laughing back at him.

We reached our house and grabbed our bikes and walked them to Robins house with him. We got Robins bike and then started biking around every possible neighborhood in our small suburb town. We had been biking for about and hour and a half, not seeing anything. "Mila..I don't think the house is real. Maybe my dream was wrong this time I don't know. Maybe this once..things just aren't gonna wor-" "No!!" I yelled cutting off my sister. "That house is so damn real. I can tell you right now. I can just feel it. We are gonna find him, if it's the last thing I do." I continued. "Mila I-" Robin tried to say, before I cut him off just like I did Gwenny. "I don't wanna hear your guy's bullshit!" I paused for a minute staring at them both before my face dropped. "I know damn well that both of you aren't giving up on Finney. Would you want him giving up on you? What if he is somewhere close! Alive! You! You seem so desperate to find him and then you start saying this!?" I shouted pointing at Gwen. Then I looked away from her and pointed at Robin. "And you! You tell me all these things 'He's a fighter' 'He'll make it out'." I say mocking him.

"Whatever. While you two are moping around! I'm gonna find Finney. And bring him home!" I finish, biking off back to my house. "Mila wait!" I hear them both yell at me. But I didn't care. I didn't want to hear anything they had to say anymore. I can't imagine what's happening to Finney right now and I need to do my best to bring him back home.

When I reached my house I threw my bike down and ran into my room, bawling my eyes out. I walked over to my record player and moved the needle onto my record. I went to the window and just stared out as it began to rain. I starting look down the street.  Even though I was mad at Gwenny, I still had to watch for her and make sure she makes it home. That's when I saw that familiar black van. It had the words 'Abracadrabra Entertainment and Supplies' written on the side of it.

"What the hell..." I whispered to myself. My mind immediately thought of Gwenny and Robin. I ran out to the front yard and picked my bike back up. I tried to follow the black van in hopes that maybe that was the person who kidnapped Finney and wherever he was going was where Finney was. I continued to follow him down the road when he turned onto a street and I lost him. I continued to bike down the road he turned down when I didn't see the van anymore. However, it had the numbers '7741' as the address.

Holy shit. I think I found Finney.

My eyes began to well with tears, that were happy tears. Good tears. While I thought of Finney being alive and okay. I looked down the street to see Robin and Gwenny on their bikes. I biked as fast as I could and threw my bike down, running into Robins arms, while I continued to cry. Robins bike fell on the floor and Gwen threw hers down.

"Mila? Mila what is it?" Robin worryingly told me. "I think I found Finney." I told him, continuing to dig my head into his chest. "You did?!" Gwenny shouted.

We all apologized or the earlier events that had happened and I brought them to the house I found the van. Boom.  The house matched the numbers that Vance had carved into the kids arm in her dream. We all baked as fast as we could to my house.

Gwen ran into her room grabbing the card she had kept hidden with the two detectives working on the case's number on it. I put it into the phone as it rang. "Detective Wright please." I asked when someone picked up the phone. We all ran to the house this time waiting for the police to arrive. When the police arrived they walked into the house. The three of us were sitting on the sidewalk when the door of the house across the street whipped open. Out walked my twin brother. I looked up at him, confused, and rubbed my eyes.

I couldn't tell if what I was seeing was real or not. I looked back up at him and he was staring directly at the three of us. "FINNEY!" I yelled running over at him ,Robin and Gwen following behind. We all ran up to him and indulged into a big group hug. "I knew you were alive. I knew you could do it." I told him before the detectives all ran up to us.

"Basement." Was the only word that came out of Finney's mouth.

"I-I killed him. I killed The Grabber." Finney told us. We just stared intently at each other,until we were escorted to the back of an ambulance. I laid my head on Robin's shoulder and Gwenny did the same to Finney. "I'm really sorry for yelling at you and Gwen. I just was really mad in the moment because I was so damn worried about Finney." I apologized. "No..you had every right to be. You're twin brother was missing for Christ's sake." He said pausing for a minute, staring into my eyes. "It's ok babe." He told me, filling in the empty space between our faces with a passionate kiss.

"I love you so much Mila Blake."

"I love you more Robin Arellano."

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