The day I Died

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"I call dibs on Orion!" I enthustiastically yell to my best friend who is right next to me on my queen bed printed with roses and skulls. My mom got it for me a long time ago, when I was still in elementary school, so its filled with soda stains. Abby my best friend,slowly picks upher controller wich is pink and black her favorite colors that sh keeps over at my house since we almost always are hanging out,school day or not. She turns on the controller before choosing her favorite charecter Scarlet who she plays all the time. you could say she is a pro. But you could also say that about me! we soon enter with our oppenets in our 2v2 game who are playing as Mordex and Mako. They both have the white colors with different weapon skins.] making them look like good players. It looks like this might me a very tough match as they aready get some hits on both us, but I don't give up so easily. "Keep Your gaurd up!" I tell my friend whos brown orbs appear to be lost in the game so fast. She does not reply she just attemps to kill the Mako but ends up getting killed by an epic combo by Mordex. "C'mon, Abby! You could have easily evaded the attack!"I tell her. The round soon ends with us loosing to "GuitarBoy190" playing as Mordex and "coolkiller8" playing as mako. That was suprsingly fast for our first round together. 

"Dang. hold up abby let me get some snacks for us. that will get us pumped up after a long school day. ill get some takis And Sodas.' Abby once again ignores me but I just think she has had a bad day at school and does not want to talk about it once again so i make my way to the kitchen pantrie filled with junk food and packaged ramen noodles.  I Grab A bag of chips and a couple of cokes out of the white fridge filled with school acomplishments and random drawing and pictures of me. before making my way upstairs slowly. maybe i can lighten my best frineds spirt by suprising her with a piece of double choclate cake, her favorite! SHe loves it so much i even made some for her birthday but complained that the frostintg was wayyy to sweet. "Jeez how much sugar did you put in here Y/N,1 gallon?!' she remarked to me before hugging me. That was only a few mounths ago but i rember it like yestrday.  

As I take a quiet step I feel a knife collide with my shoulder making me stumble downstairs. the noises of of falling down suprise me as the bangs echo throughout my house.  I screach in suprise and in agony as blood spurts from my body. "Who...what?" I mumble out as I fall on the hard ground of the kitchen. My dizzy eyes somehow make out my best friend, eyes hollow with a bloody knife. The blood drips on my face as I let out a hoarse croak that signals im in pain. "A-ABBY!" I let out. I yelp for help but all Abby does in response lift up her knife which gleams in the fake lights in the kitchen..She plunges knife into my chest which earns out a screach out of me. The knife settles in as my eyes black out as pain errupts through my body like never before. My upper body feels like it has justbeen set on fire, but all I can think is 'why?' My best friend,why did she do this why? Why does it hurt so so much? "a-abby..." I let my final words ring out into oblivion. If only i knew they would be my final, final words. 


I wake up in a flower field, covered in all dandelions as far as i can see. nothing else in sight but the delicate little flowers and me. How did i get here? I look down at my body, and notice im wearing a long white frilly dress with no sleeves alongwith a dandelion stiched  on it. Geez whats with all the dandelions i think to myself. They were also my brotheers favorite flower. before He died of course. This is odd, but somehow i feel relaxed, calm almost but i know i shouldn't feel that way since of the scene i am in. I call out, but nobody answers. in fact, there are no noises i can hear either. what an odd little place. I take a step forward but fall down. I grunt and pick myself up quickly as im curious about this little msyteruous place. 

TO my suprise,my brother is reaching out his hand to me. I gasp. "O-orion! how-what-when?" Orion my brother doesnt say anyting he jist smiles at me, his dimples showing. I take his hand as he pulls me up gently like he always did when he was alive. When you were both alive. A voice in my head echoes. Huh. Orion pats my h/c head and plants a small kiss on my small forehead. his blue eyes glimmer as he departs from my face. "Im glad your alright,Y/N." He says. Tears begin to flow down my face uncontrollably. I try to stop and quiet my whimpering but it doesnt work. Ive had dreams similar to this before-but this isnt a dream now is it. I just know something is off here and the only comfort i have is my beloved brother that died a long time ago only when i was a little girl. he was 16 and i was 6. ten years older than me. he always looked after me and thats whats happening now. why? I hug my brother tight and dont let him go

. "O-orion! w-wha-ts happenin-ng?!' i whisper shout. orion hugs me back softly, careful not to hurt my fragile body. "Its okay y/n nobody is going to hurt you as ,ong as im here now. you have to know...this is happening for a reason. you are the chosen one. youre special like i always told you. you can do this y/n." I sob and cant stop and all orion does is soothe me as if iwas a baby that was newborn. "i-dont under-stand!" i Whimper out. "Its okay, y/n you soon will. We dont have much time together but you have to know. be careful. you let your gaurd down and your dead. just like me. we both got murded. Abby...shes not all she seems y/n. Shes someone else and she wont stop at both ofus. SHe knew what were capable of. Now, its your time. to join us. youll be safe with me y/n. just promise me...youll make sure your safe at all times. there is no second chances here. whats gone is gone but this new dont have to go, but youll be happier there, i promise you. take my word for it." I cry more into my brothers shoulder. "I dont understand! WHat happpened to abby! whats this place your talkin about and your calling me dead? this must really be a dream, but i guess ill go along with your roleplay!" I spit out. 

"Okay, then." He chuckles and pushes me off  and looks me dead in the eyes. "this called vallhalla. Its your second chance at living happily. there, you will be safe with me. abby isnt there but there is still an evil that lurks there i dont know much about yet. ill kep you safe as long as i can there if even if it ends my life.." He pauses. "okay. tell me more about this place." i joke. "This is a fighting place. you get to brawl with others and there is still fun places to go, its not like WWE or anything serious. its actually kind of fun. have to believe me to go. if you don't, you wont make it there, and I wont rember you at first. It might seem scary, but i made it there so i know you can too. you were always stronger and braver than i always was. times up, i have to go...but...i love you y/n. i Know you Can Do it.!" With that brother gives me one last kiss on the cheek before dissapeering right before my eyes. I reflect on what hes told me. I guess I have no choice but to trust him. And i do. I know hes right about whatever he is talking about. hes always protected me so why whaould this be any different. I sigh and fall down into the darkness. I guess...I have to trust him. I love you too Orion.

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