Part 1

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It was spring. I remember that night so clearly. The sky was full of stars and the moon shone through tree branches creating shadows on the ground. The air was cold. The little wind gusts shaked not yet bloomed leafs. On that beautiful night there was a party at Changbin's house. I didn't really want to go there because it was too crowded. After doubting and hesitating for quite a while I decided to go. I don't understand now why I decided to go. I was tired and wanted to be alone but I felt like I had to go. However I don't regret going there. If I hadn't gone I wouldn't had met her. I don't know her name to this day but the memory of her drives me crazy.

I entered Changbin's house. He said it's just small chilling in his house but his meaning of  "small chilling" is very different from other people.
"Jisung, hyung, you came" Changbin screamed even before I could close the door.
"Wasn't it meant to be a small chill?"
"It is and not all guests are here yet. Let's go get something to drink for you."

I was with Changbin for a while until I started to enjoy myself. The party was actually quite fun and I had a really good time until reality hit me. My social anxiety got me. That is the reason I don't like parties. I know that I just need to be alone for a while and then I can continue enjoying the party. So I decided to hide myself in Changbin's room because I knew it would be quiet. Changbin alway had one rule in partie and it was that only closest friends are allowed upstairs. However when I reached the stairs I saw her for the first time. How I hadn't noticed someone as beautiful in the party before. She looked like a goddess. Her hair got a golden glow and there was a beautiful hairpin in her hair. Her eyes... It's impossible to describe them. They were so enchanting that after one look you can't stop looking into them. I want to look into them my whole life. And her smile. Even with the smallest smile she could make the world around her shine.

I instantly forgot my anxiety. I wanted to be around her but I was too shy to go talk to her. That was when I spotted Minho near her. I went to talk with Minho and tried my best to stay near her until I gathered my courage to go and talk with her. After a while I lost her from my sight. I was cursing myself. How can I be such an idiot? I couldn't leave the party before I found her again. But I was cursing Changbin too for inviting so many people. More and more time passed as I tried to find her. Then one moment I spotted her sitting on the highest step of stairs. She was hiding her face. I went and sat next to her. "Hey are you alright?". She raised her face and I saw tears in her eyes.

"What is wrong?" I asked with a shaking voice.
"Can I hug you and just be for a moment?"
"Of course"

She immediately hugged me. She hid her face in my neck. I could feel her tears and breath. We didn't talk and sat there just like that for a while. I didn't ask her what was wrong because I felt that she just needed to cry a little before she could calm down. After about 15 minutes she faced me. "Thant you. I really needed it."
"Yes of course. We all have moments like this sometimes."
"I feel kinda hungry. Would you come and eat with me?"
" I would actually love that."

I still felt worried and curious why she cried. I thought that when she trusts me more she would tell me herself. So we went to eat. There weren't many places opened so we went to one diner. There was some cheesecake on the menu but it felt weird to order it when she is ordering something real to eat.

"I think I will just order the cheesecake" she said while looking at the menu.
"I actually wanted to order it too. Cheesecakes are my favourite."
"Really? I love them so much. There is nothing better."

She said the last sentence so cheerefully. I felt so warm inside because of that. We both ordered the cheesecake and some coffee. We talked about so many things. We talked about our childhoods, dreams and life over all. That's when I realised that I don't know her name yet. "We have been getting along so well but I don't know your name yet. It feels weird. May I know what is your name?" "No. I don't want to share my name" she said while laughting a little. I had super confused look on my face. Why wouldn't she share her name? "My name is Y/n. I was just joking. Your face is so entertaining. What is your name?" "I am Jisung".

We were there for about hour and half. It was really late already and started to feel very tired but I did't want to leave her. That was when she yawned. "Oh I am sorry. You are not boring. I am just really tired." "It's okay. I am actually also very tired..." I hesitated a little before I said the next thing "You know I actually am not like this usually but do you... want to come over to my place?" "...What?" "No I mean just to sleep. Nothing else. It sounded bad" "Oh when there is really no other meaning then I would love to."

We got to my place. She looked around a little and told her about the things I had. Then I showed her the room where she can sleep and we went to sleep. I set an alarm early in the morning so I could cook her breakfast and charm her even more.

When I woke up the next morning I felt still so tired however when I remembered her all my tiredness was gone. It was so early that she must be sleeping still. I got out of bed to make an amazing breakfast. On my way to kitchen I thought of peaking into her room to check on her. I opened the door to her room but the bed was empty. "Where is she? Is she up already?" were my only thoughts. I looked for her from my entire house but I couldn't find her anywhere. I sat on the couch and just bought of her. About 30 minutes later I decided to call Changbin and ask does he know her.

"Why are you calling me this early? Let me sleep"
"Sorry but do you know Y/n?"
"Y/n? I know her name but I don't really know her that much."

I talked with Changbin for 15 minutes but it was useless. I didn't get any of her contacts. I also couldn't find her myself. "Did I really lose her?"

The end

Love at first sight (Jisung pov story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя