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TW: for the entire thing, i am not okay

it's crazy how things change

how it went from your lips on mine
to the sweet taste of liquor burning my throat

how it went from your unwanted hands tracing my body
to the cold sharp razor replacing where your hands used to haunt

how the sleepless nights turned to the nights filled with rest because the screaming has finally stopped

it's crazy how things can change so drastically
yet you can still be so damaged by the past

how your name doesn't bring the same smile to my face
but instead brings fear and sadness

how your name burns like poison on my tongue
and how the thought of you feels like a sin

i wish the alcohol was enough to erase you from my mind
but it's only a temporary solution

things don't change that quickly

i wish i could shed my skin to rid of your cold harsh touches
i wish i could touch the mirror and transform into someone brand new

someone who had never met you

i wish the past could change, in the same way as the future

i wish i could change.

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