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Wanda's P.O.V

I finished washing Nat's hair and pulled her out of the bath. "Col'" she whimpered, shivering. "Come here, princess" I said softly. I wrapped her up in a towel and pulled her into my lap. My heart melted as she tucked her head into my neck, her wet hair dripping down my back. We sat there for another 5 minutes, lost in the moment. "Let's get you dressed, hm" I spoke lifting both of us off the side of the tub.

I felt Nat nod in agreement. "What do you wanna wear, bubs?"                       "'Dat" she babbled, pointing at my hoodie on the floor.


Me and Nat were both changed into clean clothes when I heard her tummy rumble. "You hungry, princess?"                                                                                                                                                                                   "Hungwy" She repeated, giggling. "Let's go get something in that little belly of yours then, cutie"I said, rubbing her stomach under her hoodie. She giggled more, the sound like music to my ears. I sat her on my hip and walked us both up to the kitchen. Nat whined and started wriggling when she heard the rest of the team talking. "Okay, okay, okay" I said placing her on the ground when she started kicking me. I grabbed her hand and we walked into the kitchen ignoring the smirk from Tony when he noticed our hands intertwined. "Mac and cheese okay, baby?" I asked Nat, who nodded nervously. Eyes glued to the floor. I grabbed the box and made two bowls, putting them in the microwave.

I noticed Nat tapping against her thigh anxiously. I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to me. "It's okay bubs, they won't judge you" I whispered into her ear, sensing the reason for her unease. She gave me a small smile and squeezed my hand. I was just about to say something else when Tony's obnoxious voice interrupted me.

"Well now that you're all here I have something i'd like to share with you. It seems one of you avengers isn't as tough as you seem" He says slyly, pulling a raggedy-looking teddy bear out of his blazer pocket.

"Imagine what Fury would say if he finds out one of you supposed superheros still sleeps with Mr. Snugglemuffins over here. I don't suppose he'd be very happy with the idea of having a 'Wittle baby' on the team" He blabbers on, doing a dickish baby impression. Tony keeps talking but I tune out his brassy voice to pay attention to my girlfriend. Whose face seems to be as red as her hair and whose hands are shaking so rapidly in my own, its making my whole arm shudder and whose teeth are pressed so deeply into her lip It's drawing blood. Oh shit.

Steve sends me a knowing look from the other side of the kitchen. "Shut up stark" He speaks, anger laced in his voice. Tony follows where Steve's eyes are pointed and it's easy to pinpoint the exact moment he catches on. Nat squeezes my hand impossibly hard. "Ahh, Romanoff, of course." He slurs, walking closer towards us. Visible tears forming in my girlfriend's eyes with every step. I pull her behind me. "So, witchy. Tell me, how does it feel to have the failure of the group as a girlfriend. you might have to send her back to the redroom for some proper training" He laughs sloppily.

And with that Nat's hand is ripped from mine and she goes rushing out of the room. "FUCK YOU TONY" I yell, ripping the bear out of his hand and chasing my baby down the stairs.


Nat's P.O.V

I keep running until I get to my room. I slam the door shut and sink to the floor, my body racking with sobs. Tony is right I'm a failure, I'm a lousy excuse of an avenger and Wanda is way too good to me. I don't deserve her. "Baby!!" I hear from the other side of the door. How can she care about me? She bangs on the door, her knocks getting more rapid by the second. "Let me in babygirl! He doesn't mean it, okay!" He does mean it. Of course he means it. "Come on princess, you're breaking my heart!" I need her. I need my Wanda.

I shuffle over to the door and twist the lock. I don't have the energy to get up. I rock myself back and forth. A second later, she bursts in. "Oh, Malyshka"She soothes. She picks me up off the floor and walks around the room swaying me. "You're okay, baby you're okay. You're not going back there" She rubs her hand up and down my back. I just can't stop crying. "Shh, look who I have" She coos, handing me Ted. "Ted" I choked out between my sobs. My ted. I nuzzled my nose into his fur and laid my head on Wanda's chest. Silent tears still falling down my face. "That's it babygirl, shh" she spoke, patting my bum.  My thumb found its way between my lips and I drifted off to sleep.

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