Do you send? pt. 1

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I can't help but stare at him, he's so cute...
Why is she staring at me?

He's looking at me quite funny...
She's not that pretty, looks like a whore with all that makeup on her face

But he's starring at my body though
She does have a nice body though

"Hey" he said
"Hey" I said

"Hi" I replied
"Hi" she replied

"Your cute, can I get your number?" he asked
"Your cute, can I get your number?" I asked

"Yeah, sure" I replied
"Yeah, sure" she replied

He gave me his phone and I typed in my number. OMG I'm so excited. "Here you go," I said to him while giving his phone back. "Cool, I'll text u later," he said. "Okay," I replied. He then went and walked to his friends. My smile never left my face.
I gave her my phone and she started typing in her number. She looked so happy, how unfortunate. "Here you go," she said to me while handing me the phone. "Cool, I'll text you later," I said to her. "Okay," she replied smiling big. I walked to my friends and told them how hot her body is. "Bro send some," one of them said. "Of course," I laughed with them.

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