Chapter 2

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Tw: talk about drugs

Eddie's POV:
"Chrissy says well what songs do you have" and I say "well I don't know if you know any of these people but I have Ozzy Osborn Black Sabbath" and Chrissy says "wait who's Ozzy Osborn" and I say "you don't know him he bit a bats head off... very metal" and Chrissy just says "wait did u bite a bats head off" and I laugh and say no Ozzy Osborn did not me well not yet well if my band blows up one day I might" and she says "was the bat dead" and I say "yea no no the bat was alive... anyways just mess with the radio until u find a song you like."

Chrissy starts to mess with the radio until she yells "I love this song" and I ask "what song is this" and she says "it's don't you (forget about me) by simple minds" and I say "yea sorry I don't know that song" and she says "seriously the breakfast club you never watched it" and I say "yea no it's not really my thing" and she says "well I guess I'll have to show you it some time" and I say "I'm looking forward to it" for the rest of the song Chrissy is singing along with the song on the top of her lungs as her song ends she turns down the radio and says "well now that you have heard my favorite song I would like to hear yours" and I say "seriously I don't think you would like it" and she say "I like to hear new things" and I say "ok" and i put in my master of puppets by Metallica in the radio and I don't turn up the radio that much because I don't think Chrissy would like it and is it starts Chrissy says "I kind of like it" and she turns it up really loud and the tells me to sing the song or I think she did I can't really hear her over the music but I start singing anyways and I could see her in the corner of my eye staring at me just smiling and for the rest of the car ride we just switch off songs like she picks one I pick one like that.

We soon arive to the trailer that me and my uncle live in I got out and ran to Chrissy's door and opened it for her because I am a gentleman and she got out and said "thank you Eddie" and I said "no problem." As I open the door I say "welcome to my castle sorry it's such a mess the maids took the week off" witch caused her to giggle.

Chrissy's POV:
As we got to Eddie's house I sat on Eddies couch and he said "so what do you wanna do you wanna watch a movie?" And I say "actually I was wondering if you had..." and he says "had what" and I say "I mean you know drugs" and he stands there shocked and he says "yea yea I mean I do are u sure u want to?" And I say "I mean I've been thinking about it for some time now and yea yea I would with you tho I don't want to pressure you or anything only if you want to" and he say "yea ok" and he goes into his car and comes back inside with a lunchbox and he comes back inside and sits next to me and puts his box on the table and opens it and starts to take out his drugs  and starts to roll a joint and I stop him and say "actually do you have anything maybe... stronger?" And he says "yea wait here while I find the special K" as I was waiting for him to go get the "special k."

I couldn't help but think about how much fun I've had with him today I've had more fun with Eddie that I have ever had with Jason like on the car ride to his house he made me feel special like I could tell him anything and he wouldn't judge me i never really talk to Jason about my feelings because he would shut me down and say I was annoying and call me names but soon my thoughts were interrupted I heard that sound...

A clock I don't know what to do so I headed towards the room that Eddie was in yelling his name I was scared and he made me feel safe but he didn't respond though when I walked into the room that Eddie went into i see... my mom she was sewing my cheer uniform I say "mom" confused she turns around and I see her face but it was not her face she looked like a demon that is not my mom I'm scared I don't know what to do so I started to scream hoping Eddie was around here somewhere not a demon Eddie but my Eddie. As I star to scream I ran but I was no longer in Eddie's trailer I was in my house.

I ran downstairs with a demon chasing me saying my name at this point I told myself that me and Eddie did the drugs and everything will be normal when I wake up but when I get downstairs I see my my dad sitting in his chair watching tv I was happy because the demon was gone. I got to see my dad I thought he was gonna save me so I say "dad" but he turns around and he is also a demon but his mouth is shut.

I run to the dining room to see what looks like a feast but it's closed off? There are flys and mold it looks like Jason if he were food. I tell my self if it's not the drugs I'm dying because the last think i remember was waiting on Eddie's couch so I start bawling my eyes out because I know I'm about to die. WAIT the door I run to the front door of my house with hope I open it but it's closed off then I hear it again THE DEMON... walking towards me saying "Chrissy" over and over but this demon didn't look like my mom or my dad It looked like the demon chasing me down my stairs is it the same one are there multiple? I have so many questions.

It looked like a human but with tentacles and it had vines everywhere it had this grey/blueish skin but as it gets closer it says "chrissy your time for suffering has come to a end he lifts his hand up and I just know I'm going to die. But than I see hope I see a Portal thing and I see Eddie and me? Why am I floating in the air? I don't know but I gathered all my strength and I slapped the demons hand and I made a run for it. Once I get close enough to the portal and I jump in it.

Everything was black... am I dead? But I hear a voice a familiar voice saying "Chrissy Chrissy are you here" and I said "EDDIE" much louder than I thought I opened my eyes to see him and Eddie was on his knees and he was holding in his arms. And me and him say "what the fuck just happened" at the same time.

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