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Yandere Chans POV is the whole story.

Everyday I wake up feeling the same. Empty. Something missing within me. I'm not like everybody else. I love him. Taro Yamada. Senpai will be mine. I overheard that Osana is planning to confess her love to him on Friday under the Sakura Tree. I will not have that. He will be mine. No matter what he will be mine.

There is something wrong with me.

I walk to school staying exactly 15 ft away from senpai at all times. Osana Najimi was walking with him today. I listen to their conversation. Maybe I can finally get rid of her today.

"Hey senpai...?" She says.

"Yes Osana? Is everything alright?"
He asks.

"Everything is fine you dummy!!" She yells.

"Huh?" He replies blatantly.

"Do you every have re occurring nightmares senpai? Or re occurring dreams?" She asks.

"Well I have had this one dream where I'm standing by a Sakura tree. Somebody is talking but I can't make out what they are saying and I can't move or speak. It's quite disturbing. How about you?" He says

"Well, I have been having a dream where... I'm sitting by the pool and somebody ties weights to my hair...*sob* and they throw them in the water and I can swim up." She says

"You know dreams are subconscious representations of how we really feel. Maybe you feel your hair is too long. Maybe you should cut it?" He suggests

He's right. Her bright orange pigtails are almost touching the floor.

"I'm not cutting them you dummy! They took forever to grow out!" She exclaimed

"Well... I- uh- we are going to be late I gotta get going" she mutters

"O-o-oh ok senpai" she stammers

That's what I will do. On Thursdays Osana and the popular girls sit by the pool and tan.. if I can distract her stupid bodyguard Raibaru and the mean girls... I should be able to end her.

Thanks for reading all of part one! Gina. Try to release parts daily :D

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