× Introduction

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About a year ago, I created CC's Book of Randomness, which was full of, well, Randomness. It also contained of the Diary Entries, which lasted from Early August to Mid-January. I took that book down for *many* reasons, which I wish not to share at the current moment.

ANYWAYS, I decided to create a second one... with a twist!

× Art posts!

× Excerpts from my books, my friend's books, and books a really, really like!

× The Lighthouse Adventures: Freshman Year! is a mini-book series which will be posted in this book exclusively!

× Comic Strips which I wish to share to Wattpad - most will be about my personal life so only few will make it on here!

...and there you have it! Look forward to an Art Dump tomorrow!

- CC :D

Art n' Stuff × CC's Book of Randomness IIWhere stories live. Discover now