Hall Fun

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~Zolarha's pov (Zoey)~ 

My phone buzzed in my back pocket and saw there was a text from Kev, it hadn't even been 2 seconds without him. I laughed because I haven't even made it to second block. *meet me near the water fountain* was all the text said. Was he talking about right now? I look around and see him smiling at me from afar, by his goofy ass smile I knew he was up to something but couldn't tell what it was. As I'm walking over to him my phone buzzes again. *watch where I go and follow me* he texts. I instantly blushed, he walked into a closet. I walk in and I'm met with that goofy grin of his.  

"Well hello darling" he says grabbing my hips pulling me in. He pulls me to his chest, "Kev we have class in 5 minutes" I say wrapping my hands around his neck. "Darling, don't worry we can be a few minutes late." he says and I don't even get to reply because after his statement he smashes his lips into mine. His tongue hits the bottom of my lip wanting entrance but I make him wait. Instead of being normal and waiting he shoves me into the wall causing me to gasp. He took that as an advantage and leads the kiss. Things started to get more heated but before it could go any further the late bell rang. I break the kiss walking out but before I leave I give him a quick wink and shut the door.

"Why are you late?" Mrs. Avery asks. "There was a line to the girls bathroom, I'm sorry." I say winking at Kelly. "Okay well take your seat and we can get class started." the teacher says, I sit next to Kelly and she passes me a note asking were I really was. Okay, yes it is cheesy to pass notes but me and Kelly have gotten in trouble for talking so many times in this class; plus it's math she will think we are just taking notes. I write back on the note *the janitors closet* and she gave me the 'you are going to get caught' look. *are you and Kevin better? I mean y'all haven't argued in a hot minute* She writes. Honestly things with me and him will get better than back to arguing so I just shake my head no. She just makes an OH shape with her mouth but no sound comes out.  

Me and Kelly stop passing the note when we hear a knock at the door. The principal walks in and talks to the teacher for a moment. Everyone is silent trying to hear what they are saying but they were talking to low. All we hear is "So tomorrow, not today?" from Mrs. Avery and the principal nods. Kelly looks and me and we both just shrug our shoulders. The principal comes back in and looks around and locks eyes with me. "Zoey I need to see you." he says, Shit! "Do I need my stuff?" I ask and he nods, SHIT! At least he said Zoey so that's a good sign. 

A/N- I hope this is good!  

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