The Dragon's echoing voice

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The Donbrothers, with Ryusei and Hotaru as new members, exited the portal, and this time, they were met by the sight of a large festival set up with a building in the middle.

Ryouta: A festival? Hey! It's the Miku Arc!

Hotaru: Hold on, as in....?

Haruka: So we're gonna see everyone up to this point, huh?

Tsubasa: I want to kill Westcott.....

Ryusei: I get that, but maybe murder isn't the right idea....?

Hotaru: But..... which area are we in?

Ryouta looked around and saw many people setting up the rest of the stands and smiled.

Ryouta: Looks like they're still in prep!

Suddenly, his smile disappeared and was replaced by a face of realization. Then, he blushed.

Ryouta: Oh.........

Hotaru: What's wrong?

Haruka and Shinichi looked at each other and laughed.

Tsuyoshi: W-what is it?

Haruka: Well, you see.....

Shinichi: From the moment he saw them.....

Both: Ryouta has a thing for someone in this world!

Ryouta: NO I DON'T!!!

Ryusei: Oho, do tell.

Haruka: Well, it's-

Ryouta covered her mouth. She looked at him in comical annoyance.

Ryouta: THAT'S TO BE SEEN!!!

Tsubasa: Hm? Didn't Krulcifer tell you that you can have a harem?

Ryouta's face turned crimson when he heard that.


Tsubasa: She wasn't being quiet you know.

Tsuyoshi: M-maybe you just have good hearing?

???: What's with all of the noise?!

The Donbrothers froze. behind them was a girl who looked like she was in a hurry. The Donbrothers recognized "her" immediately.

Ryouta: Shido Itsuka!

Shido stopped and began to panic.

Shido: W-who's Shido?! I'm his cousin, Shiori!

Ryouta: Shido, cut it out! We're from another world! We know who you are!

Everyone froze. The Donbrothers had various shocked expressions while Shido had one of pure confusion.

Ryouta: Oh crap.

Shido: Another world?

Then, he gasped.

Shido: Are you Spirits?!

Ryusei: No, no, no! We aren't Spirits!

Shido turned around. The Donbrothers assumed he was on his communicator with Kotori, his younger sibling. He turned back around.

Shido: Okay..... I'll believe you for now. If I'm going to believe you completely, then I need actual solid proof.

Suddenly, he turned around again.

Shido: Wait, WHAT?!

Suddenly, there was an explosion near the Festival. The Donbrothers looked at each other and nodded.

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