Chapter 3 The new Adventure

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It becomes morning in Mondstadt.

Mona soon woke and smelt amazing cooking from the kitchen, she jumped out of bed, got dressed quickly, and rushed to the kitchen. 

To come her surprise it was Scaramouche making breakfast. Scaramouche then turned to her and said, "Well, look who woke up you lazy bum!" Mona gasped and hit Scara on the head with her shoe.

"OWW! THAT HURT DINGUS!" Scara yelled while Mona was giggling with her evil smirk. Mona had a quick reply by saying, "That's your fault, you knew it was coming Pinocchio." Scara rolled his eyes and served her breakfast. 

Scara and Mona scarfed down breakfast. 

"SCARAMOUCHE! T-This is so.. DELICIOUS!" Mona was in heaven having his food. 

She soon asked him how he learned how to cook so well. 

Scara then told her, "Eh, I used to be a wanderer and I always had to make my own food because I was poor, but I soon because self taught." Mona was very impressed.

They both soon got ready to explore some around Monstadt. 

They set off near Thousand Wind temples,  they both were exploring finding new plants they don't see often. They even destroyed some Hillicurl camps. 

They soon came upon a cave with a flower in it. They both tried to investigate it but it soon grew up out of the grown and it seemed very upset. Mona panicked while Scara was very calm. 

"Scaramouche!" Mona screamed and was on the floor in panicked and out of no where he slayed the cryo regisvine. Scaramouche lifted Mona in his arms and Mona squirmed and tried to make him put her down. But Mona actually liked what he was doing. 

They now appeared in Windrise and they relaxed there for a bit, Mona asked Scara how he was so strong he soon replied, "I was created by Ei." that's all he said and Mona rolled her eyes.

Mona stood up and walked to Scaramouche and kneeled on top of him. Scaramouche's face turned red and Mona put her hands on his face and they had lips a inch away from touching.

"M-mona?" Scara questioned and they came closer and closer until, *BANG* a group of the Fatui. 

Scaramouche got pissed off because he was about to share a kiss with Mona.

Scaramouche put his hand Infront of Mona to protect her. 

The Fatui then laughed and said, "Aw two love birds about to be perished into the depths of hell." Mona turned red in anger and soon attacked them. 

Scaramouche and Mona worked together to electrocute them and they soon were defeated.

They both tired out sat face to face, "Now where were we?" Scaramouche asked. 

They were a centimeter away from each other lips until Mona splashed him with water in his face.

"WHAT THE FU-!" Scaramouche was furious, Mona then busted in tears of laughter. "Now you know how it feels!" Mona was rolling on the floor.

Scaramouche stood up and pushed her rolling body in the water. Mona soon chased him around the river, and they both ran to Stormbearer Mountains. They made it up to the top of the Mountain sitting together while they chewed on lunch.

Mona asked, "Want to see something?" Scaramouche nodded. 

Mona stood up and showed him her Astrology practices, it was a beauty of the stars, the moon glowing, while knowing what comes to the future. Mona soon knew what was coming to the near future for Scaramouche and she was glad to see she was in his future. 

Scaramouche asked, "Okay, I don't believe in the stars or anything but this is pretty cool." Scaramouche looked down with light pink cheeks. 

They soon both ran off to Brightcrown Canyon, they made it there and they were both looking at the herbs there. Mona yelled, "So much mint! Do you want me to collect some of this?" Scaramouche yelled back saying, "Do you want good dinner? If you do collect some you useless duchebag!" 

Mona stuck out her tonged while Scaramouche was sticking up the middle finger once again. 

They soon collect all the herbs they could find and put it in Mona's bag they is never ending. They were about to head off back to Mondstadt but then Mona's hat flew off because of the wind.

Scaramouche saw her without her hat and was stunned, she looked beautiful, while Mona made eyes contact with each other they both turned a little pink and soon Mona broke it and rushed after the hat. 

19:00 pm 

Scaramouche made mint jelly and mint salad, they both were so hungry and ate faster then a tiger eating its prey. They soon finished up supper and then Scaramouche asked, "Do you wanna drink?" Mona mumbled, "Maybe." 

Scaramouche face glowed and he took her hand and made it to Angel's Share.

Venti was passed out drinking and Kaeya annoying Diluc and Rossaria was drinking with depression. 

Scaramouche asked Mona what she wanted, and she wanted a Misty Garden. Scaramouche then said, "Two Misty Gardens." Diluc soon got the drinks out to Mona and Scaramouche.

They both enjoyed there drinks until it didn't just become 1 or 2 drinks it was a waterfall of drinks. 

1:00 am 

Mona was drunk same as Scaramouche, they soon made there way back to the house together. While walking together Mona pulled Scara in a dark alley pinning him up against the wall. 

"Heh, *hic* y-you have *hic* such a p-pretty lips *hics*.." Scara was sorta drunk but he understood what was happening but he wanted to play along.

Mona had the breathe of sweet alcohol, Mona got closer to his body and took off her stocking, and tried to kiss him but Scara pulled away.

"S- *hic* Scara," soon Mona fell onto Scaramouche being unconscious. 

Scara didn't want to kiss her because he wants the moment to be special with Mona being Mona and not being drunk. 

Mona and Scara made it back to the house safe and Scara once again helped Mona in bed, and Scara soon slipped out of his clothes to just be in new  boxers and shirt. 

He made his way back to Mona's room and took down Mona's hair and helped her sorta get ready for bed, but not in a pervy way.

But Scaramouche didn't leave, he stayed with Mona and slept with her while holding her tight and shedding a tear.

All he wants is to have someone there, someone to love, and maybe he loves..


//Authors note//

I know my grammar is very bad but I hope you guys enjoyed this! and yes they will at some point kiss... maybe but hope you guys enjoyed and see you in the next chapter! ^^

Megistus Love (scaramouche x Mona) Genshin impact FFTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang