The rules

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There are some rules to our world...

Be sure to follow them all!

Ɩ. don't look directly in the eyes. They don't like it.

ᄅ. if She offers you tea, refuse. if She persists, walk away. if She follows you, run.

Ɛ. don't pick the flowers, they don't like it. you will appreciate it if they are your friends. offer them sunlight, you can gather it with the loose teacups.

ㄣ. you don't cast a shadow. if you see one following you, simply ignore them and continue your path. they just wish to find where they need to go, and it likely isn't with you.

ϛ. never enter the houses of the winged ones. they will not let you leave.

6. follow the birds, but never too close.

ㄥ. never get too close to the water. you might fall in.

8. do not eat anything. it will be poisonous to your weak mortal body.

9. listen to the voice. do as it wishes.

Ɩ0. most importantly: never lose track of time! time works funny here, if you lose track of it, you might get stuck.


this world is filled with things your mortal mind could hardly comprehend, be carful what you do and say. don't get lost, for you'll never be found.

Have fun! :)

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