Chapter 4

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I stared at the scene in front of me. One because it was my favorite show became real, two because two of my favorite characters were glaring at me. One in a look of curiosity, the other one of shock. "Uhhh... Sorry but could you please refrain from killing Prime? He's much needed in the future." I asked in quiet voice.

I watched as Megatron left Optimus alone and walked over to me. Soon as I was facing his ped, I felt a servo pick me up with no gentleness what so ever. I grunted and held Obe close to my chest. I was brought to Megatron's faceplate.

I glanced down at the ground that was far below. For some reason I was not afraid of hights, people called me weird for it. Because I always dreamed that some day I would have wings. And if I wanted to soar to the heavens I couldn't let myself be afraid.

''And how would you know that fleshy?'' He growled. I was about to answer when Optimus was able to get up. I watched as he tackled Megatron to the ground. Sending me flying into the air. And let me tell to I didn't need to speak my displeasure of this.

It came out quite fine as a scream. As I plummeted to the ground below I clutched Ope tight to my chest. Holding my eyes tight shut I waited for the pain to come. But suddenly I was caught in something metal. I peaked a eye open to see what was holding me and to say shocked would be lying.

I was locked eyes, or optics, with Soundwave. ''Uh.. thanks?'' I shrugged. There was a moment of scilence before a ;) showed up on his visor. I gasped and then giggled. He turned around and I held tight to one of his digits.

OH MY PRIMUS!!! I just wittnessed a smiley face from Soundwave. He turned and covered me with his other servo as Arcee leaped up and slashed his visor with her wrist blades. Soundwave stumbled back a few steps still clutching me tight.

''Hand her over Soundwave!'' Arcee yelled grunting now and then. Soundwave sidestepped when she charged. He wasn't attacking but he wasn't running. I held on tight to the didget.

Bumblebee who had been exchanging blows with Knockout rushed over to aid Arcee in retrieveing me. That was when I started to feel like a hacky sack. Because I was being passed from con to con. Hot patato hot patato who's the hot patato?

Finally, it stopped when I was back in Megatron's servo. I sighed with relief no more throwing me. ''Alright Prime that's far enough. Stand down or the girl get's it. And I am in no mood to repeat.'' Megatron growled. Optimus growled but seathed his blades. Along with all the other autobots.

''Now was that so hard?'' Megatron smirked. He placed a servo on his hip and loosened his grip on me a little more. I patted his servo greatfully.

''Hand the human over Megatron.'' Optimus said through his battle mask. I looked between the two metal titans.


That simple word surprised Optimus a little. I was passed being surprised at the moment.

''I think I'll bring her with me. This one seems different than your pets.'' Speaking of pets...

''Obsidian!'' I yelled out. Wiggling my way out of Megatron's servo, I landed on his arm and was about to climb the rest of the way down. Instead I was gently set down by Megatron.

''Thank you.'' I said and then ran to see where my cat had gone. But I found no trace of him. Like he had dissapeared. Suddenly when I went to face the rest of the battle. I gasped, all of them where just phasing away. Until there was no one else there but myself.

''Hello!'' I yelled. It echoed off the canyon walls. Where did they all go?

''Well it would seem that you do have the gift of insight.'' I jumped to see where the voice came from. But to find still no one here.

''Okay now I am going crazy. Unless...'' If this was the first thought to come to mind I read way too many fanfics.

''Alright Primus where are you?!'' I looked around to find the old mech. A soft chuckle rang out. Soon it turned into a full blown laughter.

''Over here youngling. Behind you.'' I did a *180 turn and there stood a cybortronian who in my mind I already knew who he was. He was about the hight of Optimus maybe a few feet taller, his base color seemed to be a deep grey with gold and blue as his hilights.

''You now for a Cybortronian god, I did expect you to be a little bit older. Not the age of Ratchet.'' He gave me a light glare. Definitely would get along with Ratchet. He knelt down and held out his hand, I stepped into the titan's servo. Primus gently set me on one of his shoulder plates.

''Just because my story is old does not mean that I am some old mech who has his panel in a twist. It's the wisdom that counts.'' He poked me in the chest right above my heart. It wasn't a hard poke. I scrunched my face up with confusion.

''The reason I brought you to this universe was because I require your assistance in a struggle that has long gone on. Now I understand you know what actions my children do in the future. That is one of the reason I have brought you here. The other is because one of my children has gone on a path that I fear will destroy him entirely.'' He spoke with sorrow in his voice. Like he knew what was going to happen. Well, I would expect that from a god.

''Wait I have a question. If you brought me here to the universe, what will happen to mine? Because I can't do that to my mom. She's already lost a lot in her life. Loosing her only child would kill her. Literally.'' I stared at the mech holding me.

''Your home universe I placed in a kind of stasis. The time there is frozen nothing will come to pass. That is until you finish what I ask of you.'' I nodded. In the heat of the dessert there was peace.

''Now before I return you to the world of the living. In order for me to bring you here, I had to make some changes to your anatomy. Parts of your body have been changed to that of a Cybertronian. Along with that of your pet.''

''Wait, let me get this straight.'' I pointed to him, ''You made me half Cybertronian. Then if that's the case, that would make me a Techno Organic! Awesome!'' I jumped with joy almost falling off Primus's shoulder. But I swiftly grabbed onto his plating.

The god hummed in laughter. "So it would seem. Now I do have a warning for you young one. The world I'm sending you to is going to be a little different than the one you know."

I frowned, "What do you mean 'different'?" 

"I mean that there are going to be some new faces, some you'll recognize, others you wont." He held out his monstrous servo out. A grunt left me as I jumped.

A distant look came to his face-plate. One that I could know anywhere. Carefully I asked what was wrong. The god shook his helm, "Nothing youngling. Simply reliving the past that was never needed." He sat me on the ground. His blue optics gazed down at me.

"Due to the severity of the situation, I have decided that you will have no knowledge of this meeting. Everything I have informed you of will still remain and happen, but you will remember it not. Anything from your world will disappear along with this.

I stared up at the powerful titan. Rage was the first thing to run through, but then I realized what he was trying to say. If I had knowledge of what was going to happen and used it to change the timeline. Who knows how the ending would turn! 

I gave him a confused look, "Then why send me at all?"

"I want you to do this by being yourself. Not the human with the powers, but as the girl with the heart. Now it's time for you to awake. Being in this relm for any longer than necessary can do damage to your processor. Farewell youngling, I promise that in time you will see what I am saying. Until then be wise and remember about the greatest gift given to you. Until all are one..."

And with that I awoke. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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