Inside the Carriage

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The road was bumpy yet, it wasn't as bad as it seemed. Although the way to Cuidado Village was still far away. Susanna and I talked about what would happen once we arrived at our destination. While Sue was talking, holding our little boy. I noticed that she was nervous. Like a little girl nervous to make friends in a new town. I immediately wrapped my arms around her. Squeezing the side of her shoulders ever so gently.

"You need to calm down, everything will be okay. Don't stress yourself out, love." I whispered softly to her.

Susanna looked at me. Showed me the most beautiful and charming smile she always had. The smile that made me fall for her. Gosh, I feel like I'm falling for her again. I acted like cupid shot me with one of his love arrows. Making sure Sue laughed. And she did.

"You know, seeing you smile like that makes me feel like I'm the luckiest man alive," I said sweetly. Gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"I know you're just trying to calm me down but seriously, it won't work. I feel too jittery. Will this truly turn out okay as we planned it to be?" She told me with a panicky voice. Staring Into my eyes, reflecting the nervousness she currently has.

"Don't worry, I promise that everything will be fine. Just trust me, okay? I will try my best to make everything work, for you and Carlos." I diverted my eyes to my sleeping little boy. "You will have a great life, buddy," I said as I kissed his forehead. I looked back at Sue, hugging her, making sure to calm her down as much as I could.



18 minutes had passed. Sue finally had calmed down. She fell asleep in David's arm but, also making sure Carlos was tightly carried in her arms. However, the carriage passed by a village where all sorts of music were heard. From flutes to loud guitars playing along the folks' songs. This made Carlos wake up. Making him shout, making sure everyone heard that his slumber was disturbed. Susanna immediately woke up cradling Carlos to sleep, while on the other hand, David was humming him to sleep. Although it might have been forever, it only took them a few minutes until Carlos went back to sleep. They both smiled looking at their son's now peaceful face. This was the first time they've calmed down Carlos.

Generally in the Aukremore castle, whenever Carlos puts on a tantrum, there would always be a maid to calm him down. They knew what to do or what Carlos wanted. It's like they could read him like a book.

"David, have you thought about what school to put Carlos in, once he grows up?" Susanna asked with a questioning tone.

"Well, no, not yet. But let's ask or maybe figure it out ourselves if there is any school there." David replied.

"If we ever find one, I hope it's a good school— and uh— do you think when Carlos grows up, he will make friends?" Sue again, asked.

"Sue, you're worrying yourself too much. Of course, he will. Why don't you calm down and think of something positive." David said calmly.

"His majesty is right, your highness. It would be better to calm down than to overthink it for the worst." The coachman who was uncomfortable with a commoner's coachman attire. Spoke with a respectful tone. Although the Wright family's coachmen usually wear fancy and high-class uniforms. The coachman wasn't too picky with the outfits we would choose for him.

"See dear. Try to do so. You're also making me worried. I don't want you to worry too much, it might ruin your complexion because of those thoughts of yours. If you keep thinking about it. You might end up thinking about turning around back to the castle before we could even try to start this new life." David said with a concerned tone. Worrying about Sue's health.

Sue looked out the window, watching the clouds passing along them in the sky. Taking deep sighs, trying to make herself calm down as she didn't want to make her husband even more worried.

"Alright, I'll... I'll try, thank you dear, and thank you, Sir Geri." She thanked the two, while still looking up at the sky. The sky had a different meaning than it did before. A deep meaning lies within her. She wonders if she will ever see the faces of the ones who gave birth to her. The ones she truly loved dearly. Yet, she knew that they were watching over her and her child. Making her feel a bit at ease.



6 hours had already passed. The carriage stopped for the day as it was getting darker. David hopped off the carriage to search for a place to rest. Leaving the fallen asleep Susanna and Carlos in the carriage. The Village they stopped at was still living, but shops were already packing up as it was time for them to rest. The coachman woke up her highness signaling that he would carry the now awakened child off her arms. Susanna gives Carlos to the coachman as she tries to hop off the carriage.

"Your highness, his majesty found a place to rest for the night" sir Geri whispered making sure no one heard that Susanna wasn't known to be a princess.

David came back telling the coachman that he'll take the child off his arms now. Asked him to carry some of the luggage. With that, he led the way, leading them into an in-house. 


The coachman put down our luggage telling us that he'll be right back after finding a place for the horse and carriage to stay for the night.


The coachman found a place where carriages were parked and horses to rest. It was a small stable for visitors with horses and carriages. "That'll be 3 silvers for one night." Said the young boy working there. The coachman gave him the 3 silvers before finally putting the horse in its room.

"There you go. You better get some rest now. Goodnight waffles, and I'll see you in the morning." Said the coachman as he pats the horse. He then left.


Geri then helped the family bring the luggage up the stairs into their rooms. "Get some rest, your majesty and your highness." But before Geri could leave. David gave him a pouch full of gold.

"This is for a token of our gratitude. Thank you for always helping us." David said, handing it to Geri. Although Geri was hesitant at first. He respectfully grabbed it. "Thank you, your highness." He bowed at a 90-degree angle as a sign of gratitude.

"It's not a problem, sir Geri. You should better rest, 'cause tomorrow we'll be back on the road." David chuckled at Geri's sudden action. "Yes, your majesty. And also your highness." Geri looked at Susanna.

"I assure you that Carlos will make many friends in the future," Geri said, his lips curving into a small smile. Susanna then gave the smile back and nodded. With that Geri left. Leaving the 3 in the room to rest.

The in was just a small yet seemingly popular for visitors. David knew this as his father used to tell him that a friend of his was once a trader for the kingdom, but decided to quit as his body was slowly getting weaker. David's father decided to help and sponsor the in as a gift. David wasn't born at that time. So his father's friend, who was the one who checked them in. Didn't know it was the son of his dear friend. Due to David writing his name as Kenny Jimson in the customer's booklet.





This was the first day of their journey.

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