Dear u

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Dear you
This poem is called dear you. I sit and write about a time when happiness was once mine it's been a while that I haven't been able to smile. Change is certain. these feelings I've hidden for a while in shame wondering why this sort of change came. we all deal with things differently. Unfortunately, misfortune comes unexpectedly. Wishing I could go back and change thins so we can live happily . It may seem nice to speak to someone, but when u really sit and think, you are honestly lonely. The presence of one in a tough situation is only momentarily. I know these written words are lame, but I I just wish u were the same. You will never listen to me. I just can't believe you are now someone you told me never to be. I never knew the person I once loved would leave. I wish you would see yourself so I don't have to live like this anymore with myself. I wish I have the strength to help you, but all I can do is watch and continue to be blue. I wish you would feel the same and want to help yourself too.

#addiction #depressed #mom #inspiration #problem

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