A Surprise Announcement

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Within a week since Looka's visit to Glurfsburg, the Christmas spirit was on the rise. Autumn was coming to a close and winter would soon begin.

Everyone had some form of excitement on their minds. Guy and Michellee were about to have their first Christmas with Junior. E.B. was anticipating Looka rejoining her for the holidays if he's not too busy in Ookia, that is. Sam, most excitedly of all, was looking forward to his first Christmas after reuniting with his mother.

That evening in the living room, Guy had gathered up Michellee, E.B., Guy Jr., Sam and Pam for a surprise announcement.

"Lately, I've been crunching some numbers, checking in the shop and noticed that sales increased tenfold this time of year. I guess every parent's buying their kid a Self-Flyer this Christmas."

"Sounds wonderful, Guy", Pam says.

"Thank you. But what I'm trying to say is we now have enough money to go on vacation!"

E.B. gasped happily. "Really?"

"Yes. And the location of which, I was thinking of maybe..." He paused and ponders with faux inquisitivity as he already had a destination in mind. "...Whoville?"

"That sounds fun!", Sam rang out. "I hear it's fun especially this time of year."

"It's true. I've heard that the Whos love for Christmas is legendary", Michellee said. "And that's putting it mildly"

E.B. thinks for a moment and asks, "Can Looka come with us?"

All eyes were on her now.

"Well, I think I can spare room for a couple more people", Guy said. He then looks at Sam and asks, "Hey, Sam, why don't you ask Gluntz if she wants to join us?"

Sam pursed his lips and hummed to himself, thinking. "I can run it by her, but I'm not a hundred percent sure if she'll be free."

"That's why if you tell her now, she might be able to work something out with her boss."

"Okay. I'll see if it works."

Guy turns back to E.B. "Have you asked Looka yet?"

E.B. shook her head and said, "No. But I did tell him that we should meet up for Christmas or New Years if he'd like to. His dad's a little less controlling with him, so I think he'll be free."

"But just call him to be sure," Michellee tells her.


The next morning, E.B. calls Looka.

"Hey, Looka."

"Oh, hey, E.B. How's it going?"

"Fine. Do you remember the last time you were here and I asked if you wanted to meet up again for the holidays or something?"

"Sure I do."

"Well, my stepdad is having us go on vacation to Whoville and I wanted to know if you'd like to come with us."

"Wow, that sounds fun! Whoville's crazy this time of year! I'd love to come with you guys."

E.B.'s eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yeah. Ever since peace was restored here, Ookia's become as boring as Glurfsburg."

"Oh, please. At least you have a water park in your town. The most fun place here is that karaoke club and I didn't even know it existed until your last visit."

Looka chuckles. "Well, that's a yes from me. When do you guys plan on leaving?"

"The week before Christmas, so the afternoon of the 18th."

"All right. I'll be there."

"See you then. Bye."



Back in his trailer, Sam had his entire suitcase packed, even though the trip wasn't for another two weeks.

"Sam, we still have time", Pam told him.

"I know. I'm just so excited to go to Whoville!"

"I am too, believe me."

Then an idea hits Sam. "Hold on a second. I remember when we got home from Ookia, all of our pictures were in the newspaper calling us heroes. Doesn't that mean everyone knows you're a spy or that Looka is the Dooka's son?"

Pam shakes her head. "No. When the Dookess was being interviewed, I asked her to keep our statuses secret and she agreed. Don't worry, Sam. For once, we can have a private life."

"That's a relief. I hope this journey is a quiet one..."

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