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The Past Has Caught Up With The Present.

Elle Fanning as Wendy Young

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Elle Fanning as Wendy Young

TW// Drowning, death, and survivor's guilt

Dear Ruth,

I'm sorry that you couldn't stay,

I'm sorry that you had to go away.

I can still taste the salty air on my tongue,

I can still remember sobbing that you were 13 years too young.

The glimmering blue water drew you in like a well,

What would happen that day we never would've been able to tell.

Your feet reach for the sand like hands,

I wish I had made you stay on land.

It was my job to keep you safe,

But this time I was two seconds too late.

The guilt crushes me, a weight too much to bear,

And I feel my heart constrict every time I see someone with red hair.

All we wanted to do was play,

Because we didn't think the ocean would be one to betray.

You just wanted to watch the waves,

And now you are trapped in an underwater grave.

The sea will never feel the same,

Not after I lost you that day.

Dear Ruth,

I'm sorry.

The guilt trapped her like a coffin.

The weight of the dirt slowly constricted her chest as it fell through the cracks, making it harder to breathe. Her vision began to go fuzzy and as she opened her mouth to scream for help, they were filled with soil before she could get the chance, making breathing the air available in between particles impossible. Guilt was a wound that couldn't be stitched up and left behind a memory that replayed in her head over and over as if there was a high-definition movie screen behind her eyes and someone kept hitting the rewind button.

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