tevelling disaster

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Only just turned 18 but I feel so much younger. Sometimes I come home from work tired and exhausted, at that moment I just want to snuggle up to my mum and sit for hours and hours watching tv like I did when I was seven. However im no longer seven, at this age I feel such a overwhleming expectation to be an adult. But the thing is as children were taught what an adult is and were told to look up to them as they know more than us. But what I cant umderstand is that we were never taught how to be one. What is being an adult? Because if its not wanting to snuggle up with your parents or no longer craving them butterfies in your stomach at birthday's or christmas time. I dont want to be an adult. But at the same time all of my friends from school are moving out with their significant others.or their best friend. Im not. I just go to work and come home and sit around with no clue what to do with my life.

So finally ive decided im 18 now its time to grow up and explore my options and make the most of the oppourtunities i have. This may sound completely ridiculous but ive figured the only way to do this is to go somewhere else. Ive spent my whole life in the same city surrounded by the same people ive become to comfortable. I need to except that this is not going to be forever neither do I want it too. Traveliing away from here will hopefuly show me where I belong in a society and open my eyes to different people. So spontaneously i have just booked a trip to australia and my return ticket remains indefinate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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