Chapter 6: Willy's Fitness Routine

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Willy's POV: It's been a few days into the first week and I'm doing a bit better now. Still a little hungry, but I can handle it. Besides, this contest will have loads of stuff to eat. I do some stretches and crack my knuckles and neck. As I continue to stretch, I hear my stomach beginning to rumble. I stop stretching and rub my stomach. Just a few days and next week till we enter the contest, bud. I think to myself, rubbing my stomach with a reassuring massage. I resume stretching and decide to jog a bit around the meadow. A few laps oughta do the trick.
I jog a few good times around the meadow, huffing and puffing as I run before coming to a flower and deciding to take a quick nap.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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