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There was a hint of impatience now in the deep voice.
" No, I told you that I had never been in these mountains
before. Will Mr. Matthews keep me, do you think?”
Jed , who was still looking up the trail, suddenly leaned forward, and, pointing into the timber to the left of the
path , said in an exciting whisper, “ Look at that, mister;
yonder thar by that big rock . ”
The stranger, looking, thought he saw a form , weird and ghostlike in the mist, flitting from tree to tree , but, even as he looked, it vanished among the hundreds of fantastic shapes in the gray forest. " What is it?” he asked.
The native shook his head. " Durned if I know , mister.
You can't tell. There's mighty strange things stirrin ' on this
here mountain , an ' in the Holler down yonder. Say, mister,
did you ever see a hant? ”
The gentleman did not understand.
" A hant, a ghost, some calls ' em , ” explained Jed. " Bud Wilson he sure seed old Matt's ”
The other interrupted. “ Really, young man , I must go . It
is already late, and you know I have yet to find a place to stay for the night.”
" Law , that's all right, mister!" replied Jed. " Ain't no call
ľ worry. Stay anywhere. Whar do you live when you're to
Again Jed's question was ignored. “ You think then that
Mr. Matthews will keep me?"
" Law, yes! They'll take anybody in . I know they're to home ' cause they was a fixin't leave the mill when I left
'bout an hour ago . Was the river up much when you come
acrost? As the native spoke he was still peering uneasily
into the woods.
" I did not cross the river . How far is it to this Matthews
place, and how do I go ?”
" Jest foller this Old Trail. Hit'll take you right thar. Good road all th ’ way. ' Bout three mile, I'd say. Did you come
from Springfield or St. Louis, maybe?
The man lifted his satchel from the rock as he answered:

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