#1 The library

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Will couldn't help but look at him from across the room, he glowed, but not the same type of glow that Will was always told he had. The boy's face was buried into the book in front of him, the title of it read something about biology of some sort, but Will was too distracted to look at the cover. 

Most of the other kids when they looked at Nico, would see the delinquent. The kid is rumoured to have been expelled from several other schools, for starting fights and finishing them. He may be small and skinny, but he was still well built. Anybody who looked at him the wrong way would receive a menacing glare. Nobody would go near him anymore. 

Nico was the one kid who never had to sit next to anybody, never had a lab partner, and didn't have to share a dorm. 

But that's not what Will saw. 

As Nico sat there reading the book, all Will could see was his legs swinging under the table. For some reason he found himself thinking that it was rather cute. It made him seem like a little kid at a library. And as he would lift his head from his book every now and then to flip the page or write something down, Will could see the deep interest in his eyes. A look that for some reason was so exciting to Will, but he didn't know why. 

"Will time to go!" A voice shouts over his shoulder, bringing him back to what he was supposed to be doing. Right he was here with his friends to pick up the books from the new shipment. 

"Shhhhhhh!" Mrs Dodds sharply whispered at Percy. Mrs Dodds was the school librarian, and she was a rather cranky one at that. If you ever tried to bring a drink into the library then she would give you detention for weeks. 

"Sorry..." Percy whispered back, giving me a quick smirk and a shrug

"SHHHHH!" She shouted again, this time much louder

They both of them waited for her to move on to another group of kids,

"sheesh, she shushes louder than I talk."


As fast as they could the two bolted out of there before she could say another word. 

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