' We're starving, what now? '

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The two squirrel like gootraxians squirmed, only using soap to energize them when they needed it. They would sigh. The lights flickered, and you can hear the scratching from the ghosts who died during the incident. ' What are we going to do? Nobody is slipping soap into the bathroom anymore, we're going to die! ' The feizao shivered and worried, she was never the smart type and always got anxious at things. ' We'll be fine, i told you. ' The feizao sighed, getting tired of her. Both of them would wait. For something that would never come.

It was night, the scientists forgot to turn the day and night cycle off, but it was useful. Luckily, Fashui had her own light. Feizao was biting her nails, and silently wishing she could have just died with the rest instead of being in constant fear and doubt. Fashui however, was sick of this.

' You know we're going to be FINE. Stop whining about it or i'll turn you into the rest. ' Fashui yelled. The night was long. Fashuis light would dim, in anger. Feizao stopped. ' I'm sorry, but we're almost out! ' Feizao cried. Fashui flattened her ears. ' Whatever. ' Fashui said.

Feizao was confused. Did Fashui even care about life or death? She worried, yes, but for good reasons. She felt like something was wrong. Is fashui planning something? She walked over to Fashui. ' Hey, whats going on? ' Feizao asked. Fashui answered in a growl. 

She sighed. No luck, then. She would look at the door, and wait. When she stared, she lost the sense of time. It could be 100 years before they find us here, but by now we're just old, rotting puddles of soap. She would realize, Fashui keeps getting closer and closer. 

She caught Fashui getting awfully close, and she scurried and looked at herself in the mirror. ' Whats wrong with you? ' Feizao said. No response, again. Meanwhile, Fashui stared deep at her own reflection. She heard.. whispers. People.

' Who are you? ' She would murmur. ' We are the escape you seek, squirrel. Listen to us. ' the unknown voice said, chuckling. ' I'd do anything to get out of here. ' Fashui sighed. She felt weak, but stared into the mirror more. Her reflection had changed. Sprinklekit stared back.

' I-i thought you got murdered in the incident.. ' She stuttered. ' I did, i hate that nightcrawler with every drop of goo in my weak body. People are out there, but they cant hear you. ' The voice whispered. ' Well, what do i do? ' Fashui asked.

' Kill Feizao. Kill and eat. Rip the door into shreds. Get out of the bathroom, wait too long and you'll die. ' Sprinklekit hissed, others appeared behind them. ' W-what..? ' Fashui widened her eyes. ' Do you want to starve? You need strength to get that door down.. ' a panther said.

' Fine. ' Fashui said. She was reluctant, but she said she'd do anything to get out of this dreadful place. She looked away from the mirror, and felt.. oddly fine about killing feizao. She was useless, anyways. I'm going to do this.

Feizao would see fashui looking her dead in the eyes. She backed away, realizing what she was planning.. Fashui jumped, and grabbed feizaos legs, holding them tight. ' I'll make this quick, anxiety filled beast. We could of gotten out of here so long ago.. ' Fashui growled.

Darkness filled the rest of the room. Feizao was terrified, and trying to wiggle out of fashuis grasp. ' Stay still, or i'll make it violent. ' Fashui threatened. Feizao kept trying, and felt a tug. But not a tug of freedom - Rather, one of her legs was ripped off. ' How..? ' Feizao said, feeling weak.

' You can't run now. Might as well accept this. ' Fashui said, pouncing on Feizao and ripping her ear. Feizao was bleeding soap, and Fashuis eyes glowed with pride. She dug into Feizaos belly, ripping it. Feizao stayed still, her eyes slowly losing its life.

' Whu.. why? ' Feizao said, struggling to still talk. ' I thought we were friends. We were like siblings. ' Feizao said, slowly losing control. Her vision greyed. ' Only one makes it out alive, if they make the effort. ' Fashui growled, smirking slightly.

' Feast. ' Fashui started ripping parts of Feizao and eating it. She enjoyed the pleasure of the soap, and the pleasure of having a full belly. She didnt dare eat the face too much. She ate most of the meat, and left some for the bugs.

She felt.. energized. But she realized. ' What did i just do..? ' She shook. She tasted fresh soap in her mouth. She sighed. ' I had to do it..? But, she was my best friend. ' She would cry. ' I.. guess i'll get out of here. She wants me to get out of here. ' 

Fashui slowly ripped open a hole big enough to get out. She was haunted by how she ate her own friend. But it was for her safety. Her belly churned of guilt and sadness, but finally, she stepped out into the cafeteria, Feizaos blood all over her body. She saw a sprinklekit and a mochi. 

' Finally.. freedom. ' The fashui cried. She would never forget what she had did, though. The feizaos ghost would constantly haunt her. Fashui hoped Feizao knew she didnt want to eat her, but.. it was for her own good. Besides, Feizao wanted death more than anything in those times.

She felt the ghosts presence. She felt so guilty. She felt guilty for the others, too. She sighed.  ' A donut will ease me. ' Fashui said.

The.. end?

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