chapter one

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Chapter One: "Chemistry"

Word Count: 1,509 words

      Deyanira is seventeen years old in Midtown School of Science and Technology. Well, starting at Midtown. At the time, Deyanira was a senior and new to Queens, New York. She was quite normal, despite having known several Avengers personally and her parents being Wanda Maximoff, Scarlet Witch, and Vision, known as Jarvis. She had been homeschooled her entire life to keep her identity unknown, but her mother finally had thought it was time she was a "normal" teenager. However, she still couldn't be ever known as Deyanira Maximoff. So instead, her parents gave her a fake name, Deyanira Jackson. No one really knew the Scarlet Witch' birth name, but she was not risking it. Today, Deyanira is moving into the Avengers' compound. And tomorrow was her first day of school.

Deyanira was driving to the Avengers' compound with her mom and dad. Dad was well, a machine. Mom was a powerful person who had telekinesis. Deyanira, on the other hand, never inherited any powers of any kind. She was the odd one out and gave her parents the idea of letting me become a normal teenager and going to a new school. A public school. She was told she was moving into the Avengers compound and the next day going to my new school. The Maximoff's were 20 minutes away from the compound and Deyanira was starting to feel anxious about the fact that all the avengers there, at the compound will finally meet her. Actually, only Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers had actually met her. "Yanira, darling, we are here." Vision said. Yanira was her nickname, only close family and/or people who have known her for a while. Vision raced out the car and grabbed each of the suitcases with all of the stuff in them. Wanda used her power to move everything right next to the door, while Deyanira just grabbed a couple light bags and went inside. "At last, Deyanira is here!" Natasha said, running to her in open arms. "Long time no see. How've you been?" She continues, while wrapping her up in her arms. "Um, I'm good, thanks for asking, Nat. You?" She replied back, looking around the compound. It looks nothing like she thought it would. Deyanira was expecting Tony Stark's face painted onto every wall. "Not what you thought it was going to look like, right?" Nat asked. "Yeah." She replied. 

"Come on, I'll show you to your room. You will most likely bump into a couple people, but we really need to focus on getting you settled in." Nat excitedly rambled on and on about everything until they got up to the room. "This is it. Your parents are in the room next to yours so no funny business. Need help moving your stuff in?" Deyanira grabbed her boxes and brought them upstairs to start putting up my pillows, blankets and clothes. "You excited for school?" Nat asked. "Very, it's my first time going to an actual school. I might make a couple friends or join a few clubs. I don't know, I haven't really decided." She laughed in return. "Well, get some good night's sleep. I'll make you up at 7:45, deal?" Nat compromised. "Yeah, sounds good." She agreed. 


Deyanira heard a knock at the door to tell her is 7:45. She got up from bed and got a white polo and put a sweater vest over, with a plaid skirt. went to her bathroom and brushed her hair and teeth.  She had about 30 minutes before she had to leave so she went downstairs and made breakfast for herself. "Mom I'm ready to go" she yelled hoping for Wanda to hear. "I'm coming, I'm coming" Wanda took the stairs down and grabbed her keys to the car. they left the compound and drove to Midtown. "You excited?" Wanda asked Deyanira. "I was a bit nervous about sending you out, I'm not going to lie. Your dad persuaded me to finally get you out."  she continued. "I'm glad I will finally be going to a public school. By the way, what's my name again?" Deyanira added. "Deyanira Jackson. Do not tell anyone anything else," Wanda strictly said. "We are here" Wanda pulled up in a crowded parking lot and dropped me off. "Have a good day!" Wanda signed. She kissed her on the cheek and left to begin school. 


First class, chemistry. Here's the big question, where the fuck is the chemistry room? I looked around and couldn't find the room. "You are gonna need this. first day?" I heard a guy behind me so i turned around and see him handing me a map of the school to show me where all the classrooms are. "Yeah, it's my first day and thanks for the map. I'm Deyanira Jackson." he looked at me. "I'm Peter Parker. Nice to meet you Deyanira." Peter said, waving his hand at me. "what's your first class?" Peter asked, trying to take my schedule out my hand. "it's chemistry. you?" I said, walking towards the room. "Chemistry. guess we are both going the same way. what year are you?" Peter questioned. "Senior. I'm guessing you're the same?" I replied. "Yeah... we are here. can i get your number??" Peter suggested. "I'll give it to you at lunch. see ya." i blushed. I went into the chemistry room and started my first class. 

lunch period struck. i hunted for peters table to see him with who I was guessing, his best friend. Peter was also looking around for me, until we made eye contact and I moved to the table. "Hey. I'm Deyanira. and you are..." "--Ned. my name is Ned. Nice to meet you Deyanira." Ned answered. "Deyanira is new here. I met her while heading to chemistry and she didn't know where the lab was. I gave her my map from last year." Peter added. "Why did you move?" Ned asked. "Well, I was homeschooled until now. My mom got a job here and we had to move to Queens." I replied. Of course, I had to lie. It felt kind of shitty but i had to follow my mother's word and keep everything a secret. At least until i get the feeling i can trust them with anything. "Were you guys in any extracurriculars last year?" I asked "Me and peter didn't do anything in our freshman year. we want to try to do more stuff this year. You want to join?" Ned went on as Peter nodded. "im actually thinking of joining the debate team. Maybe you can join me too." I suggested.  "Debate isn't really my thing. Peter?" Ned turned to his left where Peter was sitting. "I could try it, sounds pretty fun." He approved. "Alright well im going to go to my next class. before I do, here's my number." I wrote on a post-it note my number in pen. I rushed to my next class and finished my first school day.

"How was your first day?" Mom exclaimed, while picking me up in her car. "Good, i think. i became friends with two people and my classes weren't all that tough." I continued. "im glad," Mom teared up. "You're a big kid now." She chuckled as I smiled. I went home, did my homework, and went on with my day.  As i was watching T.V. i heard a knock at my door. "Come in!" I yelled, seeing Nat walk into the room. "How was the first day?" She almost immediately asked. "It was actually pretty good. I made a couple friends, my classes were smooth, everything fell into place." I continued. "thats great." Nat responded with a smile, seeing she was relieved to know it was a good first day. 

It was around 8:00 when i got yes, another knock at my door. When i opened it, surprisingly it wasnt Mom or Nat, it was Tony Stark. "Uh-hi." I responded, getting anxious at the fact the iconic iron man is talking to me. "Deyanira, how did the first day go?" He asked, smiling. "it went well. How was your day?" I responded. I didnt go into much detail because i was getting tired of telling the same thing over and over again. "It went well, thank you for asking. I know a kid in your school that got an internship at Stark Industries. You know Peter Parker?" He asked. I was surprised. "I do actually. i sat with him and his friend, Ned at lunch. He also told me where the chemistry room is for first period. i met him right away." I sighed. I wish i knew about the internship to congratulate him. "Oh really... he did tell me earlier today he met a new kid at school. well you should go to sleep soon. so good night." He sighed. "Alright, good night." I laughed. He closed the door and i turned on my tv for 30 minutes. after that i went to sleep and did the same thing over again. 

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