pt14 m y/n prove it <3 *cussing*

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In the morning you and eddie get woken up by a pounding on the back of the van you get up with sleepy eyes and open the back of the van steve: wake up ladys! Y/n: wtf i was sleeping your supposed to watch them you groan b4 laying back down steve: NOPE GET BACK UP steve yells and you get shocked and jump up scared eddie: WTF STEVE you start breathing in and out and calm down y/n: steve wtf! You yell at him steve: the boys are covered in mud y/n: you were supposed to watch them wtf happened steve: they told me that they got bitten by mosquitoes and thought mud would make it leave them alone y/n: what? Thats stupid! Steve: i know but i was asleep! And they came to me covered in mud! Y/n: oh for fucks sake you say waking up eddie y/n: eddie wake up come on eddie gets up and you put your sliders on you grab towels enough for all if you and you bring them all to lovers lake y/n: ALRIGHT LADY'S JUMP IN GET CLEAN you yell to them and you lay out eddies and your towels right next to each other and you lay down come on eddie i need some sleep you say and eddie comes to lay down with you after a few minutes of you being passed out you felt water get splashed onto you and eddie you jump up y/n: WTF! You yell at mike bc he saw you and eddie cuddling you then take eddies hoodie off and you take your sliders off and you jump in the water y/n: im going to drown you! Yell at mike chasing him in the water mike: you cant catch me! He yells back and at some point you catch up with mike and start drowning him steve: Y/N QUIT IT you then stop y/n: why should i eddie: love stop drowning mike or no us time~ he says seductively y/n: fine fine you say swimming back and getting out of the water to go to eddie you grab your towel and shake it out and you dry off you put eddies hoodie back on and you wrap your self with the towel and sit inbetween eddies legs and you all hang out by the river till night time  y/n: ALRIGHT BITCH BOYS TIME TO GET OUT mike: i am not a bitch boy he yells at you y/n: yea right you say sarcastically mike: i am not a bitch boy you are! He yells at you while he gets out and you hand him a towel y/n: am not mike: prove it! Eddie: we can prove that theory later~ he whispers seductively in your ear making you blush y/n: im an adult i dont have to prove my self to you mike: than explain to me how your not a bitch boy y/n: i dont have to explain myself to you im and adult now shut up and go back to camp you say as handing lucas and dustin their towels once your done handing evey one their towels they dry off and head back to camp and they get changed taking turns in the tent and once every one is done changing you guys start a campfire

eddie x m y/n (Vamp Eddie)Where stories live. Discover now