what it would be like dating them.

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finney blake-
•you and robin protect him from his bullies
•you go to all his baseball games and cheer him on
•gwen is like your little sister
•he gets flustered easily by kisses on the cheek
•he's not only your bf but your bsf too
•y'all go to robins house to help him with math
•you help/comfort him with the issues with his dad
•you have his baseball number memorized so whenever you see it anywhere you instantly think of him
•he always compliments you and when you do the same he gets flustered
[i feel like he loves cuddling, just me? idk]

robin arellano-
•skipping class together
•helping him with math
•finney is also your bestfriend
•clean up his cuts after fights
•he loves kissing in public to make sure people know you are his
•when he's bored he sneaks out and knocks on your window to let him in
•he loves flirting with you
•he walks you to class
•he walks you home
•he always has an arm around your waist when y'all are around other guys
•he sometimes gets flustered easily but he tries not to show it
•if another girl is flirting with him he walks over to you and kisses you and makes sure the girl sees it so she knows he's yours
•everyone knows not to mess with you since you're his gf
•and most importantly he lets you and only you touch his hair and wear his bandana

vance hopper-
•you always go with him to play pinball
•you hate when people call him pinball vance (idk you just do it seems right🤷‍♀️)
•he's very and i mean VERY overprotective
•he tries to control his temper around you
•you never get messed with because people are scared of vance
•he only lets you touch his hair
•your family doesn't like him but neither of you care
•he loves makeout sesh's whether it's in public or not
•he leaves hickeys on your neck so people know you are taken.
•sometimes he lets you wear his jean jacket so people know you are his

bruce yamada-
•lets you wear his baseball jersey when he doesn't have games
•lets you wear his extra baseball jersey to his games (if he has one)
•loves cheek kisses
[i feel like he also likes cuddling and regular kisses but too much would make him rlly rlly flustered but idk if that's just me]
•hates seeing you with other boys
•gets flustered easily but try's not to show it then fails
•he always writes your initial before going up to bat
•everytime he hits a home run he winks at you and smiles
•loves going on bike rides with you

[those are the main four boys bc griffin and billy/paperboy barely have any screen time so you can't learn barely anything about their character]

483 words, not bad. i need requests!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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