~Uptown girl~

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Your pov:
I have been living in downtown Los Angeles for my whole life. You would think that I would be living the California dream in L.A bit no. I lived in the ghetto part and stealing food and cloths was like getting weekly groceries. I lived in a very old and small apartment with my little brother. I don't know where my parents were or they were doing. But all I know is that they were a pretty sorry excuse for a decent parent. "Decent" was an overstatement. So as soon as I gathered enough money I took my brother and we ended up living here. Every day I walk my brother to school which was not that for from mine.
Finish school, go to work and do homework there. My brother does after school tutoring and takes a bus home. And then I get back home when he's fast asleep.

I had just got back from work and walking home when I saw a girl my age walking Alone with creepy guys staring at her. I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Hey, what's a girl like you walking alone at night in a place like this?"

"I'm on vacation here but while walking around I lost my parents and I can't find them."
"Do you know the address where your staying?"
"I do but, I have no idea where is."
She showed me a map of LA with a dot near the top.

"Did you walk from uptown LA all the way to downtown?"

"Oh gosh, I guess I did huh?" She said with a little smile. My heart fluttered. "Yeah I guess ya did." I said now rubbing the back of my neck. I thought for a minute and said "I'll tell you what it's already pretty late and there is no way I'm letting you walk back all the way to uptown. You can stay over for the night and in the morning I can drive you to the place your staying at. What do you think of that hm?"

"Are you sure it won't be a problem?"
"It's fine. Tomorrow's Saturday and I have the day off."

"Ok then, lead the way."
With that we started walking back to the apartment and on the way there our pinky's touched each other's. A very slowly but soon we were now holding hands. The whole time I was internally going crazy. This girl was going to make me go insane.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~your pov:
We soon got to the apartment. "I know it's not a five-star hotel but, it's home."
"I think it looks quite nice"
"Yeah, I love the vines and flowers around the graffiti. It's like those really deep meaningful paintings"

"Huh, I never really saw it like that. Well let's go in shall we?"I said opening the door for her. Soon we were infront of the door and before opening it I mentioned that I might need to bring my little brother with us in the morning.

"Well this is my room. Sorry for the mess. Um you can sleep in here while I go on the cou-" "No that's fine! I-I mean we could both sleep in here." She said pretty quickly.

"O-oh ok" she was already in the bed. I just climbed in. We were both looking at each other. In the back of my mind I kept hearing 'say something god damn it!!' "So, where are you from?" "I'm from Hawkins, Indiana"

"Oh now way I used to live there!" "Really how come I've never seen you there before?"

"Well for one: my whole life was go to school and come back home immediately. And for two: I was the quiet kid."  "That's too bad, I think we would have made good friends." She said with a smile. Her smile was so beautiful and contagious.

"You really think so?" "Yeah! Of course." The rest of the night we just talked until we eventually fell asleep. I woke up to sunshine slipping through the curtain in my face. I got up and shook her awake. She didn't get up.

'I guess I'll go make some breakfast'

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chrissy's pov:
I woke up to the smell of... ...bacon? And something else. I got up and put my feet on the cold hard wood floor. I walked over to what looked like a kitchen and saw the girl from last night cooking. She was singing the lyrics to my favourite song, Uptown Girl.

"Good morning umm" "oh your awake, and my name is y/n"

"That's a beautiful name." I said smiling.

"Why thank you. You ready to eat now?" She said smiling back.


I saw a little boy in the living room I front of the tv. He looked over at me and patted the spot next to him insinuating me to sit next to him. I walked over and sat next to him.

"Your the girl from last night right?"
"Yeah I am, nice to meet you." I reached my hand out to shake his but he just leaned closer and whispered in my ear.

"I know my sister only met you last night but, I think she really likes you." I blushed.

"Hey, breakfast is ready!"  The little boy got up immediately and I just followed. We ate breakfast and we're on our way to the car.

Once we got in I handed her the map and we were going the right way at a pretty decent speed we out of nowhere traffick hit. By then the little boy turned on the radio from the backseat.

"Alex, how many times have I told you to keep your seatbelt on?" So that was his name.

"But it was about to get boring" "he has a point" I said agreeing with Alex. I giggled after saying that. Soon afterwards y/n started smiling.

"I guess you guys are right" a few seconds after uptown girl started playing. I started bopping my head with y/n humming the lyrics. A few seconds after Alex started singing. And after that we all started singing. When we finally got there y/n was quick to open the car door for me. When we were about to approach the door I remembered that I never told her my name.

"Oh I totally forgot to tell you my name!"
"Oh yeah, this whole time I was calling you uptown girl in my head"
"Why uptown girl?" I said with a smile.
"One: because when we me you had walked from uptown to downtown LA. And two: your favourite song is uptown girl."
"Well my actual name is Chrissy just so you know" I said holding out my hand to shake hers.
"Pleasure to meet you, Chrissy" instead of shaking my hand she took it and kissed it all while looking at me in the eye. I couldn't tell but I'm sure I was a blushing mess. As soon as she let go of my hand my father opened the door.

"Chrissy! Were have you been! We've been looking for you all over! Umm who is this."

"Hello sir, my names y/n! I'm the one who brought back Chrissy." They shook hands

"Thank you very much for bringing her back."

"Um dad can we have a minute please"
"Of course" once he left I turned to y/n and pulled out a pen from my pocket. "Do you have a piece of paper?"

"What for?"
"To write down my number."
"Oh I unfortunately don't but you can write it on my hand."
"O-oh ok" I wrote down my number on her hand and said "you can call me whenever when you feel like it."

"Ok sounds good" then I thanked her for everything and went inside. Waiting for her to call me.

Chrissy Cunningham x fem Mexican readerWhere stories live. Discover now