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Today is the day i begin my job at the radio shack. I would be lying if i said that i was completely chill and calm about it. Because i'm not.

See, i've been employed before in my life but my friends worked with me and i knew the owner so i didn't have any major first impressions to make. whereas here i do. I don't know who runs it, what i do in this job, or who i'm working with.

For all i know it could be some old men in their 60s seeking work after retirement, not saying that would be a bad thing, but i'd struggle to keep up conversations.

I have thrown on a pair of dark blue jeans and on top a grey tank top and a checkered jacket on top just to provide warmth in case it's not heated. But this country is a lot warmer that Britain so i don't know. Around this time of year id still be wearing thick layers i don't know which i prefer.

I layer on some makeup and finish it with my eyeliner to accentuate my eyes in hopes i come off slightly presentable. Finally i brush through my hair ridding it of tangles before grabbing my bag and keys on the way out.

Despite it being 11am Kay has been snoring her face off all morning so i try to make as little noise shutting the door and promise myself to make fun of her later for it.

I make my way through the grounds and out the premise as wind sweeps my hair and face, and fresh air engulfs my lungs in relaxation.

the walk isn't long and i'm there in less than five minutes. i take a last long breath before entering the building. i try to conceil my nerves but i don't know how well i'm doing with that.

"hey um i'm Abbi?..."
the person on the front desk directs me to a place out back so i follow where he was pointing and am greeted with the studio.

As i walk in i am greeted with the slight smell of dust as well as hundreds and thousands of albums placed on every inch of space. I can't help myself as i run my fingers down the many covers as i am in complete awe of this place.

I spot the booth with I'm guessing my boss sat down laying back. He doesn't look to bad. But instead of immediately walking over i wander around to get used to the environment I'm in.

After walking around a bit i make my way to the front and peep through the window of the booth letting my nosy side show, i can't help myself this place is genuinely so cool.

"hey, you been there long?" the guy from the booth makes himself known, and i can't lie he is better looking up close. Jesus what does he eat?

"no. no i just got here... i wasn't just - standing here"
my words trail off as i am embarrassingly rambling, god, great first impressions.

He begins to walk back into the booth so i get the impression he wants me to follow until he says freshmen arn't allowed in the booth, so i mumble sorry before returning to my beginning spot.

"Luke. Station Manager. You must be Abbi the intern." he is holding a box of im guessing recently played albums as he steps out the booth.

"And you must be Beca? How long have you been here?" he points over to a girl who makes herself present behind a stack of albums which look ready to be put away.

"Not long, just got here." I smile at the girl to which she reciprocates before looking back to our boss who has raised brows obviously not believing her.

"hey man, what's up i'm jesse" surprise, surprise. of course he works here why wouldn't he.

"i'm Luke and your late." he begins to walk off so i follow as Beca also begins to move. I'm trying not to make eye contact with the guy from earlier, i really don't want him to screw this opportunity up for me.

unfortunately he does and recognition fills his face "hey, i know you"

"no i don't think so, he doesn't " i continue on in hopes he gets the idea and Luke maybe he's stupid enough to leave it?

"yeah i do i met you the other day"
"not this reality"
"i totally know her"
i ignore him and try to listen in without feeling his eyes right at the back of my head along with Beca's confused stares.

"Okay. You two can figure it out while you're stacking CD's. Beca i have a shelf up top needing sorted."
he places his crate of albums and points to all the ones displayed on the table in front of us.

"When you're done, there's more.
You're gonna be spending a lot of down time together, so please... No sex on the desk. I've been burned before. Come on i'll show you where to go" he gestures for Beca to follow as he walks off as if he didn't say anything so i begin to move around the table to a stack he left trying to forget his thoughts on what he thought me and jesse would be up to.

"i do know you" he smiles knowingly as he moves to the opposite side of the table.
"I sang to you. I remember because you were in a taxi, as well i saw you after the activity's centre. Wait, is your dad a taxi driver?"

"no, i just needed a lift from the airport" i can't help but frown at his stupidity, like yeah everyone gets a taxi and it so happens to be their parents.

i can't help but steal another glance at Luke from where he is again perched in the booth before getting back to looking at the CDs placed in my hand.
"this sucks, there is so much better things to do than this"
"not me, i'm here for one reason only, and that's because i love stacking CDs."

i look over at him to see if he was serious or not. the expression he holds i can't help but crack a smile before continuing on with my work.

"I was offered a job at a lab that
tests the effects of marijuana on your appetite but I said no. I want to stack cd's, hopefully in the vicinity of a semen smeared desk -- That's what we think happened here, right?"

i can't help but laugh at his attempt of a joke before carrying it on myself.
"Too bad I didn't bring my black light. Then we'd know for sure."

he stifles a laugh before carrying in with sorting CDs while looking at me as if i was a puzzle.
"So what's your deal? You one of those girls who seems obvious to everyone and already figured out until she takes off her glasses and that amazing amount of piercings and you realize she was beautifully intricate the whole time?"

"i don't wear glasses" i state in a monotone voice not even bothering to look up.

"then your half way there"

"smooth jesse." i shake my head slightly at his stupidity which only increases the smile plastered on his face.

"your a weirdo" I shake my head again with a laugh unable to contain it with a glance at his grin.
"yes i am, and so are you. It's a good thing we're going to be best friends , and/ or lovers"

"please don't say lovers" i can feel my face scrunch up in fake mockery in hopes he doesn't see through it.

"you know, i wouldn't pass this up. when i'm a treble , i probably won't even have time for you"

God this boy is an idiot. i did not picture him to be into A cappella but i'm all up for surprises.
"You know, I didn't think you could find a way to be less attractive to me, but congrats, you just did it."

"Just wait. You'll go all squidy and drape yourself all over me. It'll be fun. You'll see."
he walks of in triumph and i'm left to just stand in utter shock at the conversation i've just had.

I stack pretty much the entire box in front of me into its correct places around the area. I don't particularly bump into jesse much and saw Beca had left a few minutes ago so after i'm finished i excuse myself and grab my stuff before leaving.

I head out to one of the green areas around campus, and set out my stuff for lunch. I stopped in at the local supermarket for a sandwich as i look through my previously filmed demo of 'i still haven't found what i'm looking for' by U2. I'm trying to edit it into having harmonies but i'm struggling on the lower spectrum.

Instead of stressing about it and looking at people dancing in circles around me , i place my headphones on my head and block out everything around me as i listen to my playlist and relax laid out on my bag.

Edited: 21st August 2023

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