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"take it easy allison"i said,she's different thats
not the allison i know
"shh"ben whispered
"Shut your mouth!"allison shout at viktor
then someone feel off the roof

"what the hell"i said,two of them, two

my body is broken i can feel it my back my legs my arm and my jaw
i clenched my jaw ,its fixed

"ow!"i shouted , im gonna kill him

"damon i can feel my bone out of my leg!"i really could feel it so i fixed it again

"i think we should have gone trough the front
door"damon yelled, no shit sheriff
"you think!"that stupid man , i fixed my broken bones, damon did the same, i stood up and
walked to damon

"take my hand" he did and i think he expected this or not i punched him

"pay back is a bitch isn't it" i did nothing wrong i mean we fell from the roof
he stood up , we didn't expect this

"oh um hello"i said there were alot of people
"what are you two doing here!"some hot guy said,
keeping an eye on him

"well thats rude little boy, im sophia and this is damon"
"don't call me a boy ever again"
i like the argument i really do

"what will you do,boy"teasing people its my hobby
and he walked to me , our noses almost touching
"i will kill you,little girl"little girl really im old enough i mean maybe to old

"well boy why don't you introduce yourself , and these people"
"im five"
"a number,i can see your parents hates you"
i took it to far honestly

"well i don't know my parents"
sucks to be you

"im allison"
"im viktor"
and everyone introduced them selfs

"you should dot dot away from here"marcus said
"show time"damon said
well show time

"and what if we don't " damon and teasing
"we will make you"
this is how we are playing well alright

"try it"
he tried to punch damon but he caught his hand and trow him across the room
and then she spat on me

"you just spat on me wrong move"
i caught her by her neck , then used my super speed and pined her on the wall

i trowed her out of the window

damon already beat up the whole team only
sloane and ben left

"no one hurts my family!" she shouted
bitch i will get ear cancer beacuse of you, her hands started to glow white, she used her magic and lift damon

"and you will not hurt my best friend"
i trew her across the room, only ben left

"you aren't stronger than me!"
how tell me how, something came out of his body , octopus this you?

he got us honestly but im always one step ahead
i started casting a spell in my head and looked at him asinta mulaf hinto, sho bala

"ahh!" take that bitch
he let go of us and fell on the floor
i looked at five and said
"how will we stop the end of the world boy"



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