its only the beginning

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i woke up one morning with the news on "Robin Arellano, 13 year old kid goes missing, last seen at the back of a store , camera footage caught him walking towards a van which we suspect is the grabbers. If anybody has any information on this case please come to the nearest police station immediately."

"what?.." you say as your eyes start watering.
"I was just with him last night.. h-he said he had to go somewhere?" you start crying.
"y/n I am so sorry.. I know how close y'all are.. im very sorry , i hope they find him.." your mom says while hugging you.

"I just- I just don't know why somebody would take him."
"I don't know either sweety im so sorry but you still have school you should go."
"okay mom:(." You say while tears are streaming down your face.

you finally get on the bus.
"hey I heard what happened are you okay?" Finney says while hugging you.
"Yeah I am , are you?"
"F-Yeah.. I really hope they find him."
"me too, this afternoon after school I'm going to go looking for where he went missing.. do you want to come with me?"
F-"I would love to but it's just not safe I'm sorry.. you shouldn't go either."
"Oh okay.."

*you arrive at school*
y/n mind- why is everybody looking at me?? do they have staring problems or something?

B-" hey y/n.."
"Hey Bruce.."
B-"are you okay?? Y'all where really close.."
"we still are. nothing has changed."
B-"I'm sorry.."
"It's fine I'm sorry but I should get to class now."
B-"yeah of course"

the school day passes.. it feels like forever without Robin.
F-"hey so I decided that I wanted to come with you, you shouldn't have to do this alone."
"Thank you Finney I really appreciate it:).."
F-"of course you're my best friend"
"Hey.. Finney.."
"You see that house?"
F-"yeah why?? what's wrong with it?"
"Idk I just.. I feel like I've seen it in a dream before.. I don't know tho it's probably nothing.."
F-"yeah..probably nothing. We should get going"
"Yeah you're right."

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